Day 66: Brickin’ it to the man

Downtown restaurants go through a rebellious phase.

Hello, bricksies. Yesterday, Brick Watch happily reported that a few Downtown restaurants had put some seating out on the bricks for dinner. BW made a call to Jim Tolbert, the City’s Director of Neighborhood Services, to see when we could expect other restraunts to regain their outdoor seating. Man, were we in for a surprise.

"They’re not supposed to be out there now," Tolbert said. The city ordinance that is keeping Mall restaurants from replacing their outdoor seating isn’t officially lifted until Sunday, March 15. "For right now, we aren’t making them take [the seating] down," he said. "When this started, we told Downtown business owners it would all be over May 1."

BW pleaded with Tolbert not to bust our humble food purveyors. "As long as they’re not in the way of the project, we’re willing to be cooperative," he told us. What a relief! This recent spell of beautiful weather practically demands outdoor dining on the Mall. As long as there are rebellious Downtown restaurateurs, we will get it.

Speaking of yesterday, here’s some kind of sad footage we took of the old bricks being tossed aside. Dry your tears, brickies.


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