Accidental death of a Live Arts show

A licensing issue forces the venerable local theater to pull its production of Accidental Death of an Anarchist

In a press release obtained early by C-VILLE, Live Arts artistic director John Gibson announced that the production of Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist, originally slated to run April 3-25, has been cancelled.

According to Gibson’s e-mail, representatives for Fo made the decision to decline other American productions pending a possible Broadway production. On February 18, The New York Post announced rumored plans for a production, as well as a possible starring role for British actor/comedian Eddie Izzard. (Just in time for Tony Award consideration, no less.)

"The cancellation of theatrical rights is not that unusual a circumstance, but this is the first time in 19 years that this has happened at Live Arts," wrote Gibson, who also spoke about his excitement for the production Live Arts planned.

"We have a long history of getting to material just before Broadway does. We have our finger on the zeitgeist," said Gibson during a follow-up interview. "Often, there are things at Live Arts and then in New York the next year. So, when that works the way we hope it does, we feel great. And when it works this way, it feels lousy." He wrote that the theater is developing alternate programming for the UpStage Theater space in April, and that season tickets for the production will be honored at any other 2009 production at Live Arts.

Sadly, the production sounded particularly promising: Director Satch Huizenga nabbed a few Live Arts devotees including Leo Arico and Larry Goldstein as well as "Jigsaw" mastermind Ben Jones for the show. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel like this is a validation of the brain trust that makes Live Arts’ programming decisions.

So share your thoughts and pay your respects to the current Live Arts season below.

Also, does anyone think that "Fo" is a particularly ironic surname in this situation?

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