January ABODE is site specific

The new issue is out and it’s packed with greenness.

Well, folks, it’s that time again. The new issue of ABODE is out and I’m here to tell you about all the greenness within it.

Number one, I am very excited about the feature story, for which I visited W.G. Clark’s concrete-block home in the Rugby neighborhood. Clark, a distinguished local architect, makes no particular eco-claims for the design of his one-person dwelling–at least not in terms of materials that are specifically labeled "green." But he is deeply concerned about the appropriateness of his house to its site, aiming to build something that improves, rather than destroys, the land on which it sits. I loved seeing this house and I know you will too.

And of course there is more. Kitchen columnist Lisa Reeder demystifies the turnip, a rather unglamorous vegetable that nonetheless has great possibilities for the locavore cook.

Better World Betty tells you how to find eco-friendly window treatments. On the Green Scene pages, we’ve got info about recycled rubber roofing shingles and a new local company that will install renewable energy systems.

As always, readers: check it out, enjoy and let us know what you think!

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