The Editor's Desk


Word up

My journalism class at Monticello High School, which produces our school newspaper, the Hoofprint, reads your paper every week. I’m writing this letter from my classroom where, just moments ago, those students saw the headline “Teens, like, totally want to protest” for an article on young protesters [Ask Ace, March 25]. I promised them I’d write, and encouraged them to write, too.

I’ve been teaching high school for almost six years. Some students talk that way, some are just learning how to express themselves well and many are eloquent and articulate. It reminds me of how my dad used to correct my grammar or count how many times I used “like” in a sentence. I would tell him adamantly, “Dad! Listen to what I’m saying, not how I’m saying it!”

So come on, C-VILLE. Stop, like, stereotyping teens, yo.

Louisa Wimberger



Patriot missive 

In response to Ted Rall’s article “Don’t support our troops” [Afterthought, March 18], I must say I am outraged at his insensitivity for those who are fighting or will fight for our country, and the families and friends who must endure not only the horrors of war and the agony of wondering whether beloved family members will return home, but also the endless, mean-spirited ranting of those who owe their First Amendment right of freedom of speech to the same troops they wish to demean. To say Americans should not support our troops or wave the American flag and to compare President Bush to Hitler—and our heroes in uniform to Nazi soldiers—shows not only a lack of thoughtfulness, but misses the point completely.

Whether this, or any war, is wrong is irrelevant to the matter of whether or not our troops should be supported. These women and men have vowed to support our country and our nation’s leadership regardless of the costs, and over the centuries they have done just that. In his zeal to denounce this war and what he feels it stands for, Rall has made the time-honored mistake of confusing support for our troops for support of war. Almost no one relishes the thoughts of war or the consequences of war. Let us not compound the problem by making our troops the new enemy. Let us remember that the waving of the American flag is not a sign of the support of any war, and neither are parades and homecoming parties for our troops. They are symbols of pride in America and joy that the Americans we love have returned home.

I will continue to support our troops through prayer and expressions of love for our troops and the families who wait for them. I will wave the American flag. I will encourage others to do the same. If Rall chooses to do otherwise it is his choice, but I find it a sad and distressing sign that as a nation, we are failing to learn that by not supporting our troops, we are not solving the problems of hate and violence, but are once again rekindling them within ourselves.


Maribeth Hynnes-Messaou



Career counseling

I’ve never seen more slanted and biased writing than that of Ted Rall. He is absolutely laughable, completely devoid of valid logic, and obviously needs a real job. Iraq is looking for human shields. I would suggest Ted Rall apply.


J. Evan Smith

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