
Not Necessarily the News

We know a lot more now about the dangers and disasters of U.S. empire building in Iraq—the ongoing bloodshed on the ground, expansion of terrorist activities, the huge budget-busting costs of occupation, the stretching and undermining of the military and the increased sense of fear and insecurity that many Americans feel as a result of the invasion and its potential for blowback.

We also now have a better handle on the immediate and flimsy reasons for the invasion. Bush told us we were going to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that threatened us. Hussein was reconstituting his nuclear weapons programs (the aluminum tubes, the uranium from Africa). He had huge stocks of chemical and biological weapons that could be launched somehow in a way that threatened the United States. And finally, that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda. According to some polls, as much as 70 percent of the public believed this. But now it seems clear these were all falsehoods. The lies and deceptions Bush and his minions were feeding to the media are making their way into public discourse and are being covered fairly extensively in the press, in columns by Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd in The New York Times, in wide-ranging reporting at the Washington Post and elsewhere.

But far, far less is known about the planning and the actors that brought us this foreign policy disaster. What ideas and worldviews motivated the push to overreach and try to dominate the globe, with Iraq as step No. 1? What secret maneuvers and behind-the-scenes policy power struggles after the attacks of 9/11 led the United States to invade a country that had nothing to do with that infamous day?

The reminder that the media often reports the "news" as fed to it by those in power, and skips past the real news—the reasons for the behaviors and policies—is good reason for the continued existence of Project Censored, a program in its 27th year that collects under-reported stories from around the country and compiles a list of the Top 10 "censored stories" as well as 15 runners-up. About 200 students and faculty from Sonoma State University compiled and reviewed the stories for Project Censored. The project describes its mission as "to stimulate responsible journalists to provide more mass media coverage of those under-covered issues and to encourage the general public to demand mass media coverage of those issues or to seek information from other sources."

Most of the stories on Project Censored’s top 10 relate to the United States’ war on terrorism and the invasion of Iraq. On the one hand, this emphasis indicates how the issue dominates the news, but on the other, how few news consumers really understand how it happened and why. Taken together, these stories paint a chilling picture of a long-ranging plan to dominate huge sections of the globe militarily and economically, and to silence dissent, curb civil liberties and undermine workers’ rights in the course of it. Some of the information published as part of the project is pretty shocking, like the fact that the United States removed 8,000 incriminating pages from Iraq’s weapons report to the United Nations or that Donald Rumsfeld may have a plan to deliberately provoke terrorists so we can react. Other issues like the attacks on civil liberties have been covered in the mainstream press, but not in the comprehensive way Project Censored would like to see. The Top 10 censored stories, followed by the 15 runners-up, are:


The neoconservative plan for global dominance

Sources: The Sunday Herald (September 15, 2002), Harper’s Magazine (October 2002), Mother Jones (March 2003), (December 12, 2002)

Project Censored has decided that the incredible lack of public knowledge of the United States’ plan for total global domination,
outlined by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), represents the media’s biggest failure over the past year. PNAC plans advocated the attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan and other current foreign policy objectives, long before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Chillingly, one document published by the PNAC in 2000 actually describes the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to persuade the American public to accept the acts of war and aggression the Administration wants to carry out. "But most people in the country are totally unaware that the PNAC exists," said Peter Phillips, a professor at Sonoma State and major domo of The Project Censored Project. "And that failure has aided and abetted this disaster in Iraq."

According to Project Censored authors, "In the 1970s, the United States and the Middle East were embroiled in a tug-of-war over oil. At the time, the prospect of seizing control of Arab oil fields by force was considered out of line. Still, the idea of Middle East dominance was very attractive to a group of hard-line Washington insiders that included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, William Kristol and other operatives. During the Clinton years they were active in conservative think tanks like the PNAC. When Bush was elected they came roaring back into power."

In an update for the Project Censored Web site, Mother Jones writer Robert Dreyfuss noted, "There was very little examination in the media of the role of oil in American policy toward Iraq and the Persian Gulf, and what coverage did exist tended to pooh-pooh or debunk the idea that the war had anything to do with it."


Homeland security threatens civil liberties

Sources: Global Outlook (Winter 2003), (February 11, 2004 and Global Outlook, Volume 4), Center for Public Integrity ( Corporate media partial coverage: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 11, 2003), The Tampa Tribune (March 28, 2003), Baltimore Sun (February 21, 2003)

While the media did cover the Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (PATRIOT) Act, and the so-called PATRIOT Act II, which was leaked to the press in February 2003, there wasn’t sufficient analysis of some of the truly dangerous and precedent-setting components of both acts. This goes especially for the shocking provision in PATRIOT II that would allow even U.S. citizens to be treated as enemy combatants and held without counsel, simply on suspicion of connections to terrorism.

Under section 501, a U.S. citizen engaging in lawful activity can be picked off the streets or from home and taken to a secret military tribunal with no access to or notification of a lawyer, the press or family. This would be considered justified if the agent "inferred from the conduct" suspicious intention.

Fortunately, PATRIOT I is under major duress in Congress as both parties are supporting significant revisions. Yet President Bush, realizing that he and his unpopular Attorney General, John Ashcroft, are losing popular support, is threatening a veto, and has aggressively gone on the offensive in favor of the repugnant PATRIOT II. Let’s see if the media has learned its lesson from PATRIOT I. Will it probe the new legislation much more thoroughly than the first round, which received inadequate analysis post-9/11?


United States illegally removes pages from Iraq United Nations report 

Source: The Humanist and ArtVoice (March/ April 2003), first covered by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!

Story No. 3 is the shockingly under-reported fact that the Bush Administration removed a whopping 8,000 of 11,800 pages from the report the Iraqi government submitted to the U.N. Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The pages included details on how the United States had actually supplied Iraq with chemical and biological weapons and the building blocks for weapons of mass destruction. The pages reportedly implicate not only officials from the Reagan and Bush administrations but also major corporations including Bechtel, Eastman Kodak and Dupont, and the U.S. departments of Energy and Agriculture.

In comments to Project Censored, Michael Niman, author of one of the articles cited, noted that his article was based on secondary sources, mostly from the international press, since the topic received an almost complete blackout in the U.S. press. Referring to his first Project Censored nomination in 1989, for which he went into the bush in Costa Rica, he said, "With such thorough self-censorship in the U.S. press, reading the international press is now akin to going into the remote bush."


Rumsfeld’s plan to provoke terrorists 

Source: CounterPunch (November 1, 2002)

Moscow Times columnist and CounterPunch contributor Chris Floyd developed this story off a small item in the Los Angeles Times in October 2002 about secret armies the Pentagon has been developing around the world. "The Pro-active, Preemptive Operations Group (or so called Pee-Twos) will carry out secret missions designed to ‘stimulate reactions’ among terrorist groups, provoking them into committing violent acts which would then expose them to ‘counterattack’ by U.S. forces," Floyd wrote. "The Pee-Twos will thus come in handy whenever the regime hankers to add a little oil-laden real estate or a new military base to the Empire’s burgeoning portfolio. Just find a nest of violent malcontents, stir ‘em with a stick, and presto: instant justification for whatever level of intervention-conquest-raping that you might desire."

Floyd notes that while the story received considerable play in international and alternative media, it has hardly been mentioned in the mainstream U.S. press.

"At first glance, this decided lack of interest might seem a curious reaction, given the American media’s insatiable—and profitable—obsession with terrorism," he told Project Censored. "But the media’s equally intense abhorrence of moral ambiguity, especially when it involves possible American complicity in mayhem and murder, makes the silence easier to understand."


The effort to make unions disappear

Sources: Z Magazine (November 20, 2002), War Times (October 11, 2002), The Progressive (November 2003), The American Prospect (March 2003)

The war on terrorism has also had the convenient side benefit for conservatives of making it easier for employers and the government to suppress organized labor in the name of national security. For example, in October 2002 Bush was able to force striking International Longshore and Warehouse Union members back to work in the San Francisco Bay Area in the name of national safety.

Chicago journalist Lee Sustar noted that labor coverage is usually woefully inadequate in the mainstream media, even though union membership, while shrinking, still makes up a national constituency that is 13 million strong.

"Twenty years ago every paper had a beat reporter on labor who knew what was going on," he said. "Today that’s not the case. Besides a token story on Labor Day or a human-interest story here and there, you don’t see coverage of labor. You only see coverage from the business side," said Sustar, although Steven Greenhouse, the labor reporter for The New York Times, is one obvious exception to Sustar’s claim.

Ann Marie Cusac, whose story for The Progressive about the decimation of unions was cited, said she thinks the position of organized labor is worse than it has ever been.

She combed National Labor Relations Board files for egregious examples of the lengths to which employers will go to bust unions. And she found a lot. "They had a woman with carpal tunnel syndrome pulling nails out of boards above her head, because they wanted her to go on disability so she couldn’t organize," she said. "But she did it, even knowing she might disable herself. The willingness of people to sacrifice, because they know how important it is to unionize, is a sign of hope."


Closing access to information technology 

Source: Dollars and Sense (September 2002)

The potential closing of access to digital information is a development that could have a harmful effect on the powerful role online media plays in side-stepping media gatekeepers and keeping people better informed. "The FCC and Congress are currently overturning the public-interest rules that have encouraged the expansion of the Internet up until now," writes Arthur Stamoulis, whose story was published in Dollars and Sense.

The Internet currently provides a buffet of independent and international media sources to counter the mostly homogenous offerings of mainstream U.S. media, especially broadcast.

As the shift to broadband gains momentum, cable companies are trying hard to dominate the market and eventually control access.

In 2002 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to allow cable networks to avoid common carrier requirements. Now the giant phone companies, who offer the competitive DSL services, want the same freedoms to control access to their lines. In the long run, instead of the thousands of small ISP services to choose from, the switch from dial-up to broadband means that users will have less and less choice over who provides their Internet access.

While the media finally woke up and gave significant coverage to the recent public rebellion against the FCC, which voted to increase media concentration even further, there has been scant coverage of the possibility that the Internet as we know it might be lost.


Treaty busting by the United States

Sources: Connections (June 2002), The Nation (April 2002), Ashville Global Report (June 20-26, 2002), Global Outlook (Summer 2002)

"The United States is a signatory to nine multilateral treaties that it has either blatantly

violated or gradually subverted," says Project Censored. These include the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Treaty Banning Antipersonnel Mines and the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. Just as the Bush Administration is crowing about the possibility of Saddam Hussein manufacturing nuclear or chemical weapons, it is violating treaties meant to curb these threats, including the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Chemical Weapons Commission.


U.S./British forces continue use of depleted uranium weapons despite massive evidence of negative health effects

Sources: The Sunday Herald (March 30, 2003), Hustler Magazine (June 2003), Children of War (March 2003)

The eighth story on the list deals with another subject that victims have tried to get into the mainstream media for more than a decade—the United States’ use of depleted uranium in Iraq, in both the recent invasion and in the Gulf War. Depleted uranium (DU) was also used in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Bosnia.

The publications cited, including hard-core porn magazine Hustler, note that cancer rates have skyrocketed in Iraq since the first Gulf War, most likely because of the massive contamination of the soil with DU from explosive, armor-piercing munitions. U.S. soldiers are also victims of this travesty, suffering Gulf War syndrome and other ailments that many feel sure are linked to their exposure to DU.

Reese Erlich, a freelance journalist who reported on the topic for a syndicated radio broadcast and related website report, said that the Federal government has dealt with the issue of DU the way the tobacco industry deals with its liability problems. "They’ll fog the issue so no one can say for sure what’s happening," he said. "They’ll commission studies so they can say, ‘There are conflicting reports,’ [or] ‘We need more information.’"

He noted that while the U.S. media is quiet about the issue, it is a hot topic in the international press. "When you get outside the United States, the media is much more critical," he said. "They refer to it as a weapon of mass destruction. This will be a legacy the United States has left in Iraq. Long after the electricity is repaired and the oil wells are pumping, children will be getting cancer. The United States knew this would happen, it can’t claim ignorance."


In Afghanistan, poverty, women’s rights and civil disruption are worse then ever

Sources: The Nation (October 14, 2002), Left Turn (March/April, 2003), The Nation (April 29, 2002), Mother Jones (July 8, 2002). Mainstream coverage: Toronto Star (March 2, 2003)

Though his work isn’t cited here, Erlich also reported on the topic of the ninth story on the list, the continuing poverty, civil disruption and repression of women in Afghanistan. While the country has virtually dropped off the radar screen in the United States press and public consciousness, it is suffering its worst decade of poverty ever. Warlords and tribal fiefdoms continue to rule the country, and women are as repressed as ever, contrary to the feel-good images of burqa-stripping that have been broadcast in the media here.

"Reporters by and large don’t go to Afghanistan to report on what they see," said Erlich, who spent several weeks reporting in the country. "They go to the State Department officials, so everything is filtered through these rose-colored glasses, saying things are getting better. But they’re not."


Africa faces new threat of new colonialism 

Source: Left Turn (July/August, 2002), Briarpatch (vol. 32, No. 1), excerpted from The CCPA Monitor, (October, 2002), New Internationalist (January-February, 2003)

While Afghanistan is being essentially ignored, the tenth story on the list shows how African countries are getting plenty of attention from the United States—but not the kind of attention they need. These stories deal with the formation in June, 2002, of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, or NEPAD, by a group of leaders from the world’s eight most powerful countries (the G8) who claim to be carrying out an anti-poverty campaign for the continent. But the group doesn’t include the head of a single African nation, and critics charge that the plan is more about opening the continent to international investment and looting its resources than fighting poverty.

"NEPAD is akin to Plan Colombia in its attempt to employ Western development techniques to provide economic opportunities for international investment," says Project Censored.


Bleeding green
The Bush Administration’s dubious deeds extend to the ecosystem

The current issue of Mother Jones magazine features a 20-page package on the Bush Administration’s stealth war on environmental regulations. This list, reprinted here with permission from the magazine, offers a quick overview. For more on the subject, see the September/October issue of Mother Jones or visit and check out "The UnGreening of America."Tons of additional air pollutants permitted to be released by 2020 under Bush’s "Clear Skies" plan: 42 million

Estimated number of premature deaths that will result: 100,000

Estimated amount that Clear Skies-related health problems will cost taxpayers, per year: $115 billion

Days after Bush took office that he reneged on his campaign promise to regulate CO2 emissions frompower plants: 53

Days after the U.S. Geological Survey released a 12-year study indicating that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would pose
"significant harm to wildlife" that the agency reversed itself: 7

Years that the Bush Administration says global warming must be further studied before substantive action can be taken: 5

Number of members of the 63-person energy advisory team Bush convened early in his administration who did not have ties to corporate energy interests: 1

Amount that energy team members gave to Republican candidates in the 2000 election: $8 million

Percentage of "replacement
wetlands" developers are required to create that end up failing, according to the General Accounting Office: 80

Area, in acres, of wetlands, lakes and streams opened to development under a proposal to end Federal oversight of "isolated waters": 20 million

Area, in acres, of Lake Superior: 20.3 million

Estimated acres of public land the Administration announced in April it will open to logging, road building and mining: 220 million

Acreage of California and Texas, combined: 267 million

Number of snowmobiles allowed in Yellowstone National Park this winter, per day: 1,100

Percentage of the 360,000 public comments received by the Park Service that were against repealing the Clinton-era ban on snowmobiles in the park: 80

Percentage of Superfund cleanup costs paid for by corporate polluters in 1996: 82

Percentage that will be paid for by taxpayers under Bush’s 2004 budget: 79

Amount at which the Environmental Protection Agency historically valued each human life when conducting economic analyses of proposed regulations: $6.1 million

Amount the EPA considers each person worth as of 2003: $3.7 million

Average annual number of species added to the Endangered and Threatened Species list between 1991 and 2000: 68.4

Number voluntarily added by the Bush Administration since taking office: 0

Grade Bush received on the League of Conservation Voters’ 2002 presidential report card: D-

Grade he received in 2003: F

Sources: Center for Responsive Politics, Clear the Air, Department of the Interior, Earthjustice, General Accounting Office, League of Conservation Voters, National Park Service, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


In other news…
Project Censored’s 15 runners-up
to the Top 10 censored stories of the year

11) U.S. implicated in Taliban massacre

12) Bush Administration behind failed military coup in Venezuela

13) Corporate personhood challenged

14) Unwanted refugees a global problem

15) U.S. military’s war on the earth

16) Plan Puebla-Panama and the FTAA

17) Clear Channel monopoly draws criticism

18) Charter forest proposal threatens access to public lands

19) U.S. dollar vs. the Euro another reason for the invasion of Iraq

20) Pentagon increases private military contracts

21) Third World austerity policies coming soon to a city near you

22) Welfare reform up for re-authorization, but still no safety net

23) Argentina crisis sparks cooperative growth

24) Aid to Israel fuels repressive occupation in Palestine

25) Convicted corporations receive perks instead of punishment


The Editor's Desk


Parental advisory!!

In the September 16 issue of C-VILLE Weekly, located in the section titled GetOutNow was a picture of three nearly nude women posing for the camera wearing only underwear and a mask covering their faces. As C-VILLE is supposed to be a community newspaper for all ages, this is improper and you should not have published it.

Although the writer for this section covered for it by saying it was "art‚" specifically a piece of work by Picasso, it was still unacceptable. This picture is not the actual piece by Picasso, "Demoiselles [d’Avignon]," and is actually pornography readily displayed in your magazine for the most innocent reader to view. There was no warning or caution note put anywhere in your newspaper, and was assumed "okay" by its editor, as the publishing of it without a warning implies.

I understand that there is freedom of speech and the press in America, but perhaps you could be more considerate next time and instead use common, morally sound guidelines in the publishing of pictures, etc. in C-VILLE. I know that I am not the only one who has been deeply disturbed by this picture, and hope that you will consider my opinion in the future. I trust that this is a one-time mistake on your part, and wish to be able to continue reading C-VILLE without worrying about what is on the next page. If you feel that you cannot stop printing offensive material such as this, I hope that next time you will at least post a warning sign somewhere obvious (such as the "Parental Advisory" label on a CD jacket) so that young readers and those who simply do not wish to stumble upon these things may decide for themselves whether or not they want to view this type of material.

Rachel R. Albertson


  The write-up for artist-musician Andy Friedman’s show referred to "his take on Picasso’s ‘Desmoiselles.’" Friedman’s photograph was never identified as an original Picasso.—ed.



Sweet and sour

Barry Gottleib’s stand-up monologue masquerading as a thought piece, "Chocolate, the new health food" [AfterThought, September 16], misses the boat. The real story on chocolate is not polyphenols or free radicals. It’s slavery.

USAID estimates that 300,000 children work in brutal conditions on cocoa farms in Ivory Coast, Africa. Bought and sold bonded labor, working 12-hour days, locked up overnight in windowless cells, whipped with cocoa-tree branches and chains. Slavery. You get the picture.

Actually, you’re part of the picture. Ivory Coast provides half of the world’s cocoa supply. And the United States is the world’s foremost consumer of cocoa. In 2000, the United States imported 627,000 tons of cocoa, one quarter of the world’s production. Americans spend $13 billion a year on chocolate.

Because cocoa is indiscriminately pooled by importers like Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland, virtually all of the Ivory Coast cocoa used by America’s major sweets manufacturers includes beans picked by enslaved 10-year-olds: M&M/Mars, Hershey, Nestlé, Russell Stover, Mrs. Fields Cookies, Fannie Farmer, Brachs and See’s chocolates, as well as products from cereal to pop-tarts by corporate giants like Kraft, General Mills and Kellogg’s. It’s in imports like Cadbury, Milka and Toblerone. Even high-end chocolates like Godiva, Lindt and Ghirardelli contain Ivory Coast cocoa.

Now, here’s the news you can use: Gearharts Fine Chocolates, that heavenly confectioner in the Main Street Market, uses only cocoa from Venezuela. So if Gottleib gave you a new excuse for chocolate indulgence, couple that urge with moral high-mindedness and buy a box of Gearharts hand-dipped delicacies. The kids in Cote d’ivoire will thank you.

Brian Wimer




Crossing over

Thank you John Borgmeyer for your Fishbowl piece on the dangers and discomforts of crossing by foot from W. Main Street to Downtown ["Wheels keep on turning," Fishbowl, September 23]. I need only add, try it with your child in a baby carriage or stroller if you really want to know fear.

Mark Gruber





Grounds swell
Officials give UVA props for the North Grounds Connector Road

The 1.3 miles of eastbound lanes on the Route 29/250 Bypass between the exits for Route 250 and for Barracks Road are as mundane as roads get around here. Two blue rectangular highway signs indicate food (Taco Bell, Ruby Tuesday’s and Arby’s) and fuel (Amoco and Exxon) ahead. A green airplane symbol points the indirect way to the airport. An occasional deer or jogger attempts to cross the highway (speed limit 55) in a southward direction from the back of the athletic fields at St. Anne’s-Belfield School. And, as is standard in a Commonwealth where merging is apparently a bonus question on the driver’s ed test, sporadically a car will come to a dead stop at the end of the bypass’ on-ramp while drivers whiz by in the slow lane.

Thanks to a green light from the State transportation’s governing board, within the next three years that so-what stretch of road will become a crucial link in UVA’s sports, arts and entertainment scheme. On September 17, the Commonwealth Transportation Board gave UVA permission to build its North Grounds Connector Road. The east-only, grade-level access road will create a new bypass exit in the stretch between the off-ramps for 250 and Barracks Road. It should be completed by 2006.

The proposed connector road, which will feed into Massie Road between Darden and the North Grounds Recreation Center, won’t be a top-drawer complement to the Grade A sports arena and performing arts complex to be constructed in that section of campus, however. To get the best possible traffic option—a full interchange that allows traffic to enter and exit in two directions—UVA would have to increase its budget for the arena project by about 8 percent. UVA has to shoulder the whole tab for the road, because the Virginia Department of Transportation has nothing left in its piggy bank. A full interchange costs about $15 million, according to University Landscape Architect. Mary Hughes. The North Grounds Connector Road will be a comparatively affordable $4 million slice of the arena’s $128 million budget, according to UVA.

The road’s purpose, says UVA spokesperson Carol Wood "is to serve the arena and performing arts centers and to keep traffic moving smoothly and efficiently, especially during event times…because it will pull traffic off congested Emmet Street."

Officials agree that UVA’s willingness to fund the road was an attractor, but the ultimate appeal lay in the fact that the connector road probably won’t make traffic any worse. "What I would like to think made the most difference is UVA’s analysis that if you kept [the connector road] to right-in and right-out that the traffic, though still significant, would also still be at an acceptable level of service," says Kevin Lynch, the City Councilor who last month was named chair of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, a local authority that sets transportation priorities.

"You need to facilitate that [event-day traffic] to Ivy Road," says Butch Davies, the region’s representative to the CTB. "You need to disperse the traffic. With the present arena, it clogs Emmet Street. I don’t think it will be any different with the new arena, but UVA estimates that 10 percent of the traffic coming out would use [the connector road] route."

Indeed, by design the connector road will leave a portion of North Grounds-bound travelers looking for getaway routes through adjoining neighborhoods and business districts. Those wanting to head west after a game—or maybe after work, for that matter—will need to find access by way of Barracks Road, Route 250 or other roads.

The cloverleaf interchange at Emmet Street by Bodo’s is especially vulnerable to spillover traffic, says Davies. "I think you’ll see traffic backup as you come around the cloverleaf to 29," he says. "If you have people using right-out [from the connector road] to go north, you might see some traffic problem in the future ultimately because of Best Buy." The electronics retailer will soon open a new store on the west side of that busy interchange; it will have its own traffic light.

"We recognize that this is not the ideal configuration," says Hughes, "because it does limit the movement, but it was the best we could do in this interim condition before there is a decision by our metropolitan region about the fate of the 29 Western Bypass."

Uncertainty about the controversial western bypass proposal has been a major factor in the traffic plans for North Grounds, Hughes continues. "Say we triple our budget for the North Grounds Connector [to build a full interchange]—what would we build it to? If we built it to the 29 Bypass and the Western Bypass gets built, then all that investment will be wiped out.

"If, on the other hand we say, ‘Okay, the Western Bypass is going to happen, then we have to move Ivy Road—a $10 million proposition in itself—and then build the $10-15 million interchange. If, as seems to be the case, the community really does reject the bypass once and for all, then we have spent all that money to build to a condition that doesn’t pan out."

Despite the likelihood that some UVA event traffic will drain off the connector road to already-heavily-taxed interchanges, traffic officials are waxing positive about UVA’s role.

"This [road approval] would not have happened without University cooperation," says Davies. "I think the University understands its responsibility when it has such a dramatic impact on the transportation structure."

Lynch is equally supportive. "All things considered, it was a reasonable compromise from the perspective of moving traffic versus cost," he says.

And there’s more good news: With the first tip-off at the new arena some 36 months away, there should be plenty of time for bypass drivers to learn the fine art of merging.—Cathryn Harding


Isabel, we knew you well
Charlottsville’s biggest storm, by the numbers

Number of 40-ounce bottles of Hurricane beer distributed by J.W. Sieg and Company in a typical week: 3,600

Number of bottles Hurricane sold on Thursday, September 18, the day Isabel hit Charlottesville: 6,000

Number of calls for service received by Albemarle County Police on Thursday night/Friday morning, September 18: 578

Number of days after the storm had passed before Charlottesville’s City Council confirmed a declaration of local emergency: 12

Number of commercial turkeys killed by the effects of weather in Louisa: 8,000

Number of utility poles snapped in Virginia Dominion Power’s service area, including Charlottesville, much of Virginia and a portion of North Carolina: 2,300

Number of consecutive hours worked by two UVA Facilities employees to provide emergency power during and after the hurricane: 36 each

Estimated age of UVA’s oldest tree, a massive white oak near Brooks Hall, felled by Isabel on September 18: 256 years

Number of noteworthy trees on UVA grounds lost to the storm, according to the Grounds Department: between 12 and 20

Estimated number of hours some Central Virginians went without power after Isabel: 324

Estimated value of insured property lost during Isabel, statewide: $1,000,000,000


Subterranean homesick blues
Post-Isabel, some area residents might have preferred underground utility lines

On Friday, September 19, after Isabel stopped blowing, sections of Jefferson Park Avenue looked like disaster areas: massive trees toppled across cars, utility poles snapped in half, power lines lying across the road like dead snakes. Some residents of JPA were still sitting in the dark five days later on Wednesday, September 24.

In Ivy’s Lewis Hills subdivision, however, Mark Graham was enjoying hot showers and cold beverages by Saturday, just two days after the storm. Graham, Albemarle County’s director of engineering, says underground utility lines may have helped bring juice to his house more easily.

"Underground lines made it a whole lot better for a lot of these subdivisions, in my opinion," Graham says. "When all the lines are above ground, it takes the power company longer to get around to fix them all."

After Isabel knocked out power for nearly 2 million Virginians, places with underground power lines––County subdivisions, for instance, and most of UVA––generally had power restored faster than places with overhead lines, such as Charlottesville and Richmond.

Underground lines may be better at weathering intense storms, but don’t expect to see overhead lines disappear en masse.

About 90 percent of UVA’s utilities run below ground, and power lines to all new buildings on Grounds are buried as a matter of policy, says Cheryl Gomez, UVA’s director of utilities. The University lost electricity during Isabel because the two power lines feeding UVA’s sub-system failed. Once Dominion Virginia Power repaired those lines, all of UVA’s lights came back on.

"Our system experienced no problems with the storm. It was the lines coming into our system that caused the outage," says Gomez.

In Charlottesville, however, Dominion Virginia Power crews had to repair dozens of individual overhead lines before some neighborhoods could turn their lights back on, meaning some people sat in the dark for nearly a week.

Sure, underground power lines are safe from wind, says Dan Genest, a spokesman for Dominion Virginia Power. But buried lines have their own problems. Floods or careless backhoe operators can damage them, and when an underground line isn’t working, it’s much harder to locate and fix the problem, Genest says. Although it may seem counterintuitive, overhead lines have a longer life expectancy––50 years or more—than underground lines, which last only about 30 years.

The biggest problem with underground lines, though, is cost. Virginia Dominion Power can string a mile of overhead lines for about $120,000, while it costs between $300,000 and $500,000 to cover the same distance with underground lines. The underground equipment is more expensive, the design is more complex and installation is longer and more disruptive than overhead lines, Genest says.

While UVA enjoys a State-and-donor funding stream that makes it easy for the school to pay for luxuries like underground utilities, Charlottesville and Albemarle aren’t so lucky. Although the County undergrounds the lines to its own buildings, including schools, Graham says, individual developers carried the cost of undergrounding utilities in most of the County’s subdivisions to make them more aesthetically pleasing to potential buyers (presumably that cost is passed on to the homebuyer).

The City too lets aesthetics and tourism dictate its limited undergrounding projects. Charlottesville plans to bury power lines around Court Square as well as the Downtown Mall and its side streets, to make them look more "historic," says City Engineer Tony Edwards. "It has problems, but on the positive side you remove all those overhead poles and lines, and make the area more aesthetically pleasing," he says.

Other City undergrounding coincides with new development. When the Terraces project was underway, for example, the City undergounded the lines along First Street, and Second Street’s lines were buried as the new City Center for Contemporary Arts went up on Water Street. The next undergrounding will happen around the Paramount Theater, says Edwards.

Edwards estimates it costs the City between $800 and $1,000 per linear foot to bury Downtown’s power lines. "There’s a lot of stuff in the ground already, so a lot of effort goes into planning and design," he says.

On large road-improvement projects, such as the transformations the City wants to make on Fontaine Avenue, the Virginia Department of Transportation will pay half the undergrounding costs, but even then it will likely be too expensive for the City to pick up the rest of the tab to underground the lines on Fontaine.

"West Main is another desirable area for us to underground," says Edwards. "Cost will dictate whether it gets done or not. Right now, it’s not in the plan."––John Borgmeyer


News in review

Tuesday, September 21
Water, water everywhere

About 75 residents gathered tonight at Monticello High School to hear new RWSA director Thomas Frederick outline five different options for expanding the region’s water supply, including projects to expand local reservoirs, dredge sediment from the South Fork Rivanna reservoir, and pipe water from the James River. This winter, the RWSA will decide how to meet the City and County’s water needs through 2055, when projected demand is expected to exceed the available supply by 9.9 million gallons per day. Last week, the conservation group Citizens for Albemarle released a statement criticizing the RWSA, saying the meeting’s format would not “allow adequate discussion on the water supply planning issues.” Any plan from RWSA faces obstacles in getting approved, requiring sign-off from 10 Federal and State agencies, as well as from the City and County.


Wednesday, September 22
From the Omni to Austin

Questerra, a Charlottesville company based in a suite at the Omni, was indicted this week for making an illegal $25,000 political contribution in 2002 that was funneled to Republican candidates for the Texas legislature, The Washington Post today reports. The indictment was part of money laundering allegations slapped on three aids to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Questerra, a subsidiary of MeadWestvaco, develops Web-based “business intelligence” mapping services for homeland security-related agencies. For example, Questerra can help Federal agents “track offenders across jurisdictions, time, country of origin, or any metric assigned,” according to the company’s website.


Thursday, September 23
Rolling in it

UVA’s Curry School of Education today announced that it had received a $22 million donation from Boston businessman Daniel M. Meyers. The money will go to a new building, according to a release from the Curry School. Also today, Gov. Mark R. Warner announced that the Curry School would get $3 million from Microsoft for a program that trains school principals.


Friday, September 24
Getting our medicine

Al Weed, the democratic challenger for the Fifth District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, today hosted a roundtable discussion about health care policy, at C’ville Coffee. Giving short presentations were Carolyn Engelhard, a health policy expert from the UVA School of Medicine and Dr. Fouad Michael, a physician who has written on healthcare reform. According to Engelhard and Michael, though healthcare spending in the U.S. is a whopping $5,500 per person, per year, our medical care system is ranked 37th in the world in quality of care. Canada and Japan, which have annual per person rates of $2,000 and $1,000, respectively, have better healthcare standards than the U.S., Michael says. The root problem, both speakers say, is waste caused by a fragmented system. For example, they cited the huge overheads charged by the 2,000 health insurance companies in the U.S. “We have to rethink many aspects of our health care system to make it more efficient,” Michael says.


Saturday, September 25
UVA keeps rolling

About 60,000 fans today watched UVA’s football team light up Syracuse in a 31-10 victory. Though the game was undefeated UVA’s closest so far this year, the media’s billing of the game being their first real “test” might be a stretch. UVA rushed for 225 yards in the three-touchdown victory over Syracuse, a team which had beaten two creampuffs after getting shellacked 51-0 by Purdue. Even Clemson, which brings a struggling 1-3 record to town next Thursday, might not have enough juice to push the 12th ranked Cavs. But it’s safe to say that UVA fans will learn if their football team is for real when it travels to Tallahassee on Oct. 16 to play the always dangerous Florida State Seminoles.


Sunday, September 26
Wrong way on I-64

An Albemarle County man died early this morning in fiery crash on 250 East, WINA reports. The man had apparently been driving the wrong way on I-64 before turning onto an on-ramp and crashing into a light pole and a guardrail.


Monday, September 27
Council election emergency!

City residents can weigh in on a proposal to change City Council elections to a ward system at a forum held today at the Wesley Foundation. The forum, one of two such remaining public discussions, got some added publicity last week when Ann Reinicke, a recent Republican candidate for City Council, used the City’s emergency notification system to telephone 3,000 residents about the meetings and the proposal, which is championed by City Republicans. George Loper, who runs a Democratic-themed website, received one of the emergency calls. In a posting on Loper’s Web page, City officials say Reinicke probably did not receive the proper authority before using the system for a non-emergency notification. However, it appears that the rules for how to use the new phone system have yet to be fully hashed out.


—Written by Paul Fain from local news sources and staff reports


Rather knot
Local company turns up heat on CBS News anchor

The Dan Rather imbroglio, sparked by revelations that CBS’ “60 Minutes II” trumpeted forged documents about President Bush’s National Guard duty, has been billed as a victory for the “new media”—specifically Web logs, or blogs. Among prominent blogs that have drawn attention to the phony documents and heaped criticism on Rather for how he’s handled the controversy is, a website that gets its muscle from a local company.

 Right Internet Inc., a Web application developer based on the Downtown Mall, was crucial in getting up and running, says Mike Krempasky, 29, the blog’s author and a Northern Virginia resident.’s key feature is that it allows visitors to use their credit cards to pay a small fee for a blast fax or e-mail to CBS affiliates, a process enabled by GrassWave, one of Right Internet’s Web products.

 “The whole Rathergate thing is really the coming out party for GrassWave,” Krempasky says. “GrassWave lets us literally, in a couple minutes, set up a website.”

 In his day job, Krempasky works for American Target Advertising, a direct mail company specializing in conservative causes. Krempasky’s boss, Richard A. Viguerie, has been called the “funding father of the Right.”

 Krempasky says he conceived of on his way home from work on Friday, September 10. Through his employer, Krempasky had collaborated with Right Internet Inc. for about a year, and Krempasky says he’s known Chris Tyrrell, one of two partners in Right Internet and a UVA law student, for even longer.

 Working with Tyrrell and co., Krempasky’s was live by the following Monday. Within days Krempasky was cited in the Chicago Tribune, USA Today and in an article by Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz headlined, “The Bloggers’ Moment.”

 Rather and CBS are under fire for allegedly allowing their zealous pursuit of Bush to trump journalistic standards. In a similar vein, is it fair for Krempasky—a paid political operative specializing in the mass dissemination of Right Wing material—to pose as an outraged member of the blogosphere?

 Krempasky insists that he is indeed an authentic blogger, and that his boss did not even learn of’s existence until it was up and running.

 “I’ve been blogging for three years now,” Krempasky says. “I’ve probably built seven different blogs.”

 Indeed, Krempasky runs a personal blog with deep archives and varied subject matter, including mentions of Tyrrell and Right Internet. Tyrrell, for his part, purchased the domain for at the request of Krempasky, who runs the French-bashing blog.

 Chris Broomall, 28, Tyrrell’s partner at Right Internet, describes the Web development firm as a small shop that deals in open-source software to help 15 to 20 clients with “grassroots mobilization.” Right Internet runs out of an office above the restaurant Zocalo.

 “We cater to conservative clients,” Broomall says, a business niche and a personal commitment that he says “makes it easier to go to work in the morning.”

 Krempasky, no neophyte when it comes to grassroots activism or Web design, raves about Right Internet’s market potential. He says the company’s software “tracks everything” for clients, including which people on an e-mail distribution list—the voluntary type, not spam—actually open messages and to whom they make online donations.

 “It’s the most comprehensive software I’ve ever seen,” Krempasky says. “I haven’t seen anybody else doing this kind of stuff.”

 Local computer pros haven’t seen Right Internet doing their thing either. Debra Weiss, who heads the Neon Guild, Charlottesville’s informal techie worker’s association, says she’s never heard of Tyrrell, Bloomall or their company. Neither have local liberal Web mavens George Loper and Waldo Jacquith.

 Jacquith thinks the media might be overstating “Rathergate” as a watershed moment for blogs, claiming the blogosphere’s grand entrance as a player in the political world came in December 2002 with the blog-fueled frenzy over Sen. Trent Lott’s birthday tribute to Strom Thurmond. But Jacquith admits that the incident proves that “Right Wing bloggers can hold their own.”

 Krempasky, however, thinks Rathergate has launched a new era for blogs.

 “It took 12 hours to destroy five months of research,” Krempasky says of bloggers’ assault on the CBS story. “The mainstream media has no idea what they’re up against.”—Paul Fain


Happy together
Developers and do-gooders partner up in Woolen Mills. – City throws in parkland to boot

Two years ago, Habitat for Humanity and a group of high-concept architects called the Rivanna Collaborative were each eyeing the same leafy swath of undeveloped land along the northeast corner of Riverside Avenue and Chesapeake Street in Woolen Mills.

 Both groups approached the owner, an individual named T.E. Wood, but instead of fighting each other for the bid, the nonprofit Habitat and the for-profit Rivanna Collaborative decided to collaborate in what the developers and City officials say could set a precedent for mixed-income developments in Charlottesville.

 “You will see Habitat homes next to homes that people paid $300,000 for,” said Habitat for Humanity director Overton McGehee at a City Council meeting last week. “That’s an example that we need to show to developers.”

 On Monday, September 20, Council mostly lauded the project as they agreed to a land swap with the Rivanna Collaborative. The group comprises five architects—four of whom have worked for A-list eco-designer and former UVA architecture school dean William McDonough. They are Chris Hays, Allison Ewing, Richard Price, Kennon Williams and Lance Hosey.

 The Collaborative bought the 1.5-acre property in March 2003 for $150,000, according to City real estate records. They plan to sell a pair of lots measuring 1,000 to 1,200 square feet each to Habitat for Humanity for $13,000 apiece. When the Collaborative starts building there next spring, Habitat volunteers will commence work on two houses, each with a maximum construction cost of $150,000 and an initial sale price of $120,000.

 The upscale homes will be sold for “in the $350,000 range,” says Hays, adding that the Collaborative will donate 1 percent of the profit from the sale of the first three houses to Habitat for Humanity.

 “That’s an example we hope to hold up,” says McGehee, “so maybe folks who build even more expensive houses will start doing it.”

 On Monday, Council agreed to give the Collaborative 10,726 square feet of what Neighborhood Development Director Jim Tolbert calls “unusable” land in Riverview Park, which happens to be in the architects’ plans. In exchange, the Collaborative will give the City 3,898 square feet of adjacent property, on which the City plans to build a new playground for the park.

 “We’re sacrificing an unusable property and gaining a useable property,” Tolbert told Council.

 Because the Collaborative will deploy environmentally friendly construction techniques that it would like to extend to all the new homes, Hays says, it could take three years for all the houses, Habitat’s included, to get finished. That prompted Councilor Rob Schilling to argue that the Collaborative should give the two lots to Habitat for the nonprofit to build independently.

 “The sooner we can get affordable housing to the market, the better,” said Schilling. “They could get be done in six months.” He cast the lone vote against the land swap, which required four of five votes to pass.

 Hays, however, said the development could be a prototype for low-cost, eco-friendly homes. “We’re committed to creating an integrated whole,” said Hayes. “That takes more time.”

 Albemarle County requires housing developments in its growth areas to include 15 percent affordable stock. The City has no such requirement.


Water ordinance: Mostly gas?

Also on Monday, Council approved a water protection ordinance for Moore’s Creek, Meadow Creek and the Rivanna River. Developers will have to file conservation plans and maintain a 100-foot “buffer” of plants between construction and the water. The fine for violation is $100.

 Councilor Kevin Lynch praised the ordinance, drafted by a streams task force, but said, “This will hopefully be just a first step.”

 The ordinance could affect two developments already underway, said Tolbert—one in Barracks Road and one on Hydraulic Road. Schilling and Councilor Blake Caravati proposed an amendment that would exempt projects already underway, but it failed. The ordinance passed 4-1, with Schilling dissenting.

 Questions remain as to how the ordinance will be enforced. The task will fall to Tolbert’s neighborhood development services department, but he says his staff is already shorthanded. “We don’t currently have enough people to do this,” Tolbert said.—John Borgmeyer

B-ball and chain?
UVA’s new stadium will rock, but fans worry the team might be a heartbreaker

UVA’s new basketball stadium is starting to rise from the dirt pile. Can their hoops team do the same?

 “We’ve been told: ‘Get it world-class,’” says Richard Laurance, project director for the $130 million John Paul Jones Arena going up on Massie Road.

 UVA’s new basketball stadium is named not for Led Zeppelin’s bass player, but for the father of Paul Tudor Jones, the UVA grad and Wall Street trader who donated $20 million to the project. An anonymous donor chipped in another $20 million.

 So far, UVA has secured $90 million in commitments, says Barry Parkhill, the associate athletic director for development. But he can’t pinpoint how much money UVA has actually collected, saying only, “We’re not even close.”

 UVA gets no State money for the arena, and there’s no contingency fund to pay for the building if private donors don’t come through. To say that Parkhill is feeling pressure to deliver the cash flow “is a major understatement,” he says.

 Uncertainties about money certainly aren’t putting a damper on official hype about the arena.

 “It will be the largest indoor venue in the state of Virginia,” says Laurance. “We’ll have state-of-the-art acoustics, video boards, television sets, all kinds of electronic things.”

 It remains to be seen, however, whether all those screens will be showing ‘Hoo highlights or lowlights. Last year, UVA finished with 18 wins and 13 losses, including a 6-10 record in the ACC. They tied for seventh in the conference, which hoops enthusiasts recognize as the toughest conference in college basketball.

 A late-season winning streak in 2004 earned the Cavaliers a spot in the National Invitational Tournament, or NIT (also known as the Not Intived to the Tournament, because the NIT is reserved for schools that don’t get the coveted invitation to the 64-team NCAA Tournament). Still, just making it to the NIT probably saved coach Pete Gillen his job, says John Galinsky, general manager for, an independent UVA sports website.

 “The fans are definitely not satisfied,” says Galinsky, who keeps close tabs on the hoops chat that traffics on his site. “The majority of fans would have been happy if he had been let go. The vibes were so bad when they were on a losing skid.”

 Galinsky says this year’s team could be one of the best for Gillen, who in November begins his seventh season as UVA’s head coach. Senior forward Elton Brown could be a star if he gets more aggressive on the glass. Senior small forward Devin Smith showed a good shot and lots of hustle last year, Galinsky says, and he could be a great player this year if his oft-injured back is healthy.

 Laurance says the construction is right on schedule, and the John Paul Jones Arena should be open for the 2006 season. He says the 15,000 seats will be pulled much tighter around the court than they are in the extant U-Hall, where the team has played since 1965. By then, Galinsky predicts incoming freshman Sean Singletary could be a star point guard, which has been a weak position for UVA in recent years.

 Galinsky says he’s been on a tour of the new stadium, where an average of 150 workers per day—most of them from Central Virginia, Laurance says—are currently placing the pre-cast concrete structures that will form the upper-level seating bowl, and installing mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.

 “It’s going to be a state-of-the-art stadium,” says Galinsky, repeating the theme. “It could be a good recruiting tool. It will definitely be exciting for the fans.”

 Even if the Cavalier cagers don’t deliver, Parkhill is confident that he and his fundraising crew will. “This will get done, period,” he says.

 If so, the new arena will feature high-end audio equipment and a stage setup that will better suit loud rock concerts, something that will make at least one John Paul Jones proud.—John Borgmeyer


But wait, there’s more!
Constitutional amendments make Virginia voting tricky

Most voters will presumably make up their minds on Bush vs. Kerry before stepping into the booth. Only the most conflicted of undecided voters could possibly procrastinate that long. Many civic-minded citizens will even have made the call on voting for Republican incumbent Virgil Goode Jr. or for Democrat Al Weed for the Fifth District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. But even if you’ve made your choice for President and Congressman, don’t relax: Other decisions loom. Jackie Harris, Albemarle County’s Registrar, says this year’s ballot includes two proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Furthermore, the two yea-or-nay ballot questions on the amendments are phrased in language that is at best murky to a non-lawyer.

 Harris says that when people try to make sense of the amendments in the booth, “it tends to slow down the voting process.” By understanding the two questions beforehand, voters will make a more informed decision and also “keep the lines moving,” she says.

 County voters will see brochures and a poster with 750 words of explanation on the two amendments at polling centers. But in an effort to further streamline the democratic process for voters and election officials alike, C-VILLE Weekly has also attempted to explain the two amendments. For more detailed descriptions, see the State Board of Election’s website ( or contact the County Registrar’s office.


Amendment No. 1:

The U.S. Census is conducted every 10 years, most recently in 2000. In the year after the Census, when the results have been tallied, the General Assembly is required to redraw the districts for the State Senate, House of Delegates and congressional districts—using the new statistics to draw the lines. Therefore, 2011, 2021 and so on will be “redistricting” years.

 Currently, elected officials who are in office during these redistricting years are required to represent the district from which they were elected until the end of their terms. But what happens when an official resigns or dies while in office? After the 2001 redistricting, there was confusion about whether the old or new district should be used when filling such a vacancy. That’s where this amendment comes in, proposing that “any vacancy during such term shall be filled from the same district that elected the member whose vacancy is being filled.”

 Got it? A yes vote means a legislative district remains unchanged, even after redistricting, in the event that a lawmaker cannot finish his term and must be replaced.


Amendment No. 2:
The Guv’s successor

In the event of a “an emergency or enemy attack” in which Virginia’s governor dies, resigns or cannot serve, there is currently an ordered list of three State government officials who will fill in until the House of Delegates can meet to elect a new governor. This amendment proposes adding three new officials to the tail end of the list, and also includes certain eligibility requirements.—Paul Fain



Fan-tastic: Hoos go crazy for

The meltdown began just before 3pm. On the first Saturday in September, the visiting UVA football team was trailing South Carolina 10-7 when a Cavaliers fumble gave the Gamecocks the ball just a skip away from the end zone. The play, which sunk the Cavs, was the moment that launched a thousand quips into cyberspace.

On, an independent Web site devoted to UVA sports, the football message board blistered with negativity. Dozens of fans who were watching the game at home logged on to type sarcastic praise of the Cavs’ coaches. Many of the faithful called for a quarterback change. “WORST TACKLING IN FB HISTORY,” one fan declared.

Whenever the Cavs cough one up on the field, irrationality runs wild online.

Nobody knows that better than Mike Ingalls, The Sabre’s creator and message-board moderator. Count Ingalls among the level-headed fans who applauded the players and pleaded for optimism even as other fans plunged into despair throughout the night. “Not sure why people have to sling insults and curse words after a loss,” he wrote.

Around midnight, some fans gradually turned their attention to college football’s eternal consolation: next Saturday. Yet others continued to seethe. One worried poster surmised, at 5:03 Sunday morning, that the loss would “cost us between three to six top recruits.” The players may compete for only 60 minutes a week, but on The Sabre, fans can obsess online 24 hours a day.

That the locally grown site has hooked legions of Virginia fans still surprises Ingalls, a self-taught Web designer with an orange-and-blue heart. Since the Charlottesville native turned his part-time hobby into a full-time business, the site has risen from obscurity to become the hub for Cavs fans to read about their teams and to discuss wins and losses (and everything else). The Sabre’s traffic has increased 50 percent in each of the last four years, Ingalls says, and the site now receives more than 100,000 different visitors each month.

Now, Ingalls, 37, is trying to put the company in the black for the first time. The Sabre is supported by local advertising, the sale of online merchandise and a growing number of paying subscribers to the site’s premium content, but funding from a Virginia alumni has helped float the company thus far. The plan is for the site to become a self-sustaining business in the next year, yet Ingalls is wary of discussing the specifics of the small company he runs out of his home off Rio Road. The Sabre, he says, is in competition with two wealthier Web companies— and —that court the same fan base with their own UVA sites.

“There are bigger fish out there that might like to see us fail,” Ingalls says. “We’re trying to grow under one man’s wing.”

Ingalls grew up in Charlottesville and graduated from Albemarle High School in 1984. He spent six years in active duty with the U.S. Air Force, serving as a security policeman. He was stationed in Texas and Belgium, among other places, which made keeping up with UVA sports nearly impossible. He returned to Charlottesville in 1990, the same year Virginia’s football team climbed to the top of the national rankings for the first time.

In 1996, Ingalls earned an associate’s degree in police science from Piedmont Valley Community College, but switched gears to enroll in computer-science classes at the college. One day, he bought a book on Web design to learn the basics of HTML.

The University did not have an official athletics site at the time, so Ingalls, on a whim, created a five-page site devoted to his passion, UVA football, specifically to Tiki Barber’s Heisman campaign. Ingalls wrote his first article following the team’s victory over Texas that season. Later, he composed a more critical piece about the Cavs’ receivers, who dropped crucial passes in a loss to Georgia Tech. Ingalls found sports journalism cathartic, though he figured hardly anyone was reading his work.

He was wrong. Rabid fans, who had learned of his site through word-of-mouth, were hooked. After shutting down the site before the end of the season, in an attempt to concentrate on his studies and make some money, Ingalls received a flood of e-mails from fans, all clamoring for more.

Ingalls finally decided to humor them. In the spring of 1997, he cut back his classes and worked only part-time jobs. The rest of his time he devoted to beefing up the content of his site, which he re-launched as

Still, it was only a hobby, and Ingalls figured he would find his career after transferring into UVA’s engineering school at some point. But those plans changed the night of June 2, 1997. He was at the Yuan Ho restaurant, where he worked as a delivery driver, when a man walked in, pulled out a gun, and demanded money.

Ingalls, an expert marksman, noticed that the man before him was holding a starter’s pistol. The owner of the restaurant had opened the cash register, but Ingalls slammed it shut. “Get the hell out of here,” Ingalls yelled, then chased the man out the door.

When Ingalls stepped into the parking lot, a second man popped up from behind a car. He had a real gun, which he fired seven times, hitting Ingalls once. The bullet tore through his left bicep, punctured his lung and lodged in his back, about a half-inch from his spine—where it remains.

Ingalls spent six days at UVA Hospital. During the stay, he received 50 e-mail messages from fans of his site and a get-well card from the University’s football coaching staff.

“That really got me motivated,” Ingalls says. “When you’ve got people you don’t even know who are concerned, sending you messages, you start to realize you’ve got people counting on you.”

As he recovered from his wounds, Ingalls continued to add to the football site. That fall, responding to popular demand, he created a second Web outlet, By the spring of 1998, fan traffic was so heavy that Ingalls had to find a new server for the sites. To keep costs down, he asked for donations online. More than 50 fans sent checks, but none was bigger than the $2,000 that came from Mark Massey, an alum who lives in Boston.

The two soon worked out a deal that made Massey primary owner and principal investor in the company now known as TheSabre, LLC. The arrangement made Ingalls the general manager and editor of the site, allowing him to turn his hobby into a full-time job.

Since merging the two sites into The Sabre, a nod to Virginia’s crossed-sabres logo, in 1999, Ingalls has expanded the Cavalier content, contracting with writers who provide regular articles and columns about the teams. The main part of the site is free, but a premium “Edge” subscription—which includes access to recruiting information, articles and photos—runs $34.95 per year. Ingalls will not say exactly how many fans have signed up, only that there are more than 1,000.

Matt Welsh, son of former UVA football coach George Welsh and the president of The Sabre, helped start the site’s online store, The Sabre Shop. A sportswear company in Lynchburg ships all The Sabre’s merchandise—more than 300 different items—five days a week. Fans can order virtually anything Wahoo, including UVA shirts, pennants, hats, jackets, umbrellas, even a V-Sabres dog collar.

The site also features advertisements for local businesses, such as Crown Automotive, Andrew Minton Jewelers and Crutchfield. Sabre sponsors also include Advance Auto Parts, Budweiser and Geico. Some companies have offered perks to Sabre readers, including the Charlottesville-based MoneyWise Payroll, which is currently offering to make a $100 donation to the Virginia Athletics Foundation in the name of each customer who signs up.

“Part of our advertising pitch is to say, ‘Hey, we are very in tune with our user base—we will help encourage them to look at you first,'” Ingalls says. “We get a lot of feedback from users, so the advertisers can feel like they’re being a little bit more taken care of.”

While those revenue streams keep the company on its feet, the heart-beats of The Sabre are its message boards, which distinguish the site from UVA’s official athletics Web site, The latter is a rather bland public-relations vehicle that provides schedules, team rosters and video highlights, but no post-game analysis or inside information from fans in the know. On the University’s official site, a visitor can read a press release revealing that a player was suspended from the basketball team, but he would turn to The Sabre’s message boards to learn why and what the implications were. Sometimes the rumors there are true, and sometimes not.

The Sabre has separate discussion forums for football, basketball and other sports, as well as for recruiting. On the site, everyone can strategize, speculate and savor the tidbits of information posted by “gurus” with connections to the teams.

Regulars on the site include students, graduates and retirees. Many are UVA graduates, but some are not. Some of the enthusiasts admit they have become addicted to the site, a community unto itself that’s as intense as the sports world that spawned it.

Dan Heuchert, editor for UVA’s News Services, has been posting a couple of times a day for about seven or eight years.

“It’s a great place to see which way the wind is blowing among UVA fans and alumni on both sports and sports-related topics,” Heuchert says. “Like any community, it has idiots, jerks and blowhards, but you learn to avoid them. It is definitely an outlet for blowing off steam, which is good and bad. I do worry that people who aren’t familiar with the format will get a skewed picture of UVA and its fans.”

A good post, Heuchert says, is one that contains an original thought, a well-argued opinion, a nice touch of humor, a fresh scoop, or a request for information. Poor posts, he says, include “mindless rants, malicious attacks, ill-formed speculation, instant overreactions and needless repetition.

“The one thing I’ve learned is that Internet sports bulletin boards are manic-depressive, and that effect is exacerbated by herd psychology,” Heuchert says. “Once the tide turns in one direction, there is a lot of peer pressure to follow the momentum until there is some new event to reverse or divert it.”

Ingalls, who monitors the boards constantly, is well aware of his the need for civility on the site. In his own posts, he prefers to accentuate the positive. The Sabre’s terms of service bar personal attacks or insults on all parties, including athletes, sportswriters and fellow posters. Slander, obscene language and racially offensive material are also verboten. Posts that are written to anger others, known as “flames,” are often quickly removed.

“Anybody that comes in there is like a guest in my home,” Ingalls says. “If you start causing problems with anyone at the party, you’re gonna have to leave.”

Sometimes, the boards have soft sides. Fans ask for prayers for ailing family members and announce the arrivals of little ‘Hoos. Humor and wit are the coin of the realm. Pop cultural allusions are constant. Some posters have imaginative handles, like “zarathustra.” Other fans go so far as to rewrite passages from Shakespeare, turning them into pregame poetry.

While Ingalls may be a gentleman of the boards, he is no blind cheerleader. He welcomes and allows for criticism of the home team. This is sports, after all, so there must be room for heated, passionate—and occasionally pedantic—debates to continue for days.

The message boards are not intended for the faint-hearted. On a given day, there might be a post asking if Groh’s an idiot, or how much money it would take to buy out the contract of men’s basketball coach Pete Gillen, or why fans of other colleges have inferiority complexes about UVA. Following losses, the site becomes a venue for venting, an electronic therapy couch. For some ‘Hoo diehards who post regularly on The Sabre, as well as those who “lurk” there only to read, the grousing is a sport in its own right.

UVA officials were first reluctant to give the site press credentials. “There were concerns [about The Sabre] from a professionalism standpoint, from an accountability standpoint,” says Rich Murray, the athletic department’s director of media relations.

After discussions with Ingalls, though, the athletic department eventually granted The Sabre the access it wanted, allowing members full access to players and coaches enjoyed by other media outlets. That has let Ingalls take thousands of game-day photographs to give the site its visual oomph, while giving Sabre writers credibility.

Murray says The Sabre has followed the University’s guidelines, and he and Ingalls agree that the two parties now enjoy good communication. Murray does not say much about whether the message boards in particular are a concern for the athletic department, saying only that one can draw parallels between fan sites and talk radio in the sense that on radio folks can call in and express their opinions, and on a Web site, folks write in,” he says. “There’s an opportunity for an individual to express his or her thoughts” on The Sabre.

Since online anonymity can be freeing, Ingalls requires fans to create a password-protected account to post on The Sabre. To get a handle, they must submit their e-mail address to the system. That way, repeat offenders can be booted off the site permanently. But since fans still post under handles of their choosing, there’s no guarantee that they will do unto others with courtesy.

Some UVA athletes read the sites, as do their parents.

Dan Ellis, a former starting quarterback for the Cavs, says his teammates often read the message boards for mere amusement. But others, he says, seemed to think the site was a place where they could measure their performance. Ellis says he stopped reading The Sabre after his freshman year because he did not want praise from fans “to go to my head.”

But he could not always tune out the negative chatter. In 1999, Ellis suffered a concussion during a game. Because he missed a week of practices, the coaches kept him out of the following week’s contest. That night, his brother-in-law and some friends took Ellis out on the Corner to celebrate his 21st birthday. The next morning, Ellis was shocked that his evening was big news on The Sabre. Ellis says some posts, apparently from students who had seen him in bars, alleged that he had been drunk, while others questioned his commitment to the team.

“There were people on there saying that I didn’t want to play, which was absurd,” says Ellis. “I wanted to play so bad that game.” The quarterback’s uncle was so angry about the innuendo that he logged on to The Sabre to defend his nephew, asking who among the fans would want details of their 21st birthday publicized on the Internet?

On The Sabre, Ellis says, “You have complete immunity—you can bash anybody.” But the former quarterback, now a high-school teacher and football coach in Pennsylvania, once again counts himself among the Web site’s readers.

“When I want to find out something about who Virginia’s recruiting, I’ll go there for that,” Ellis says. “It’s convenient.”

Mike Benzian, a UVA alum, says The Sabre contains more “blather,” less “etiquette” than when he started reading. Benzian recently criticized some fellow posters for carping on the men’s basketball team, following yet another disappointing season. He likens the change to what happened after Charlottesville lost Dave Matthews Band to the rest of the world.

“You’d go down to Trax to see them with the guys, now you go see them in the Oakland Coliseum with 50,000 of your closest friends,” says Benzian, who lives in San Francisco. “When the secret gets out, there seems to be a loss of community.”

Nonetheless, Benzian, like many Sabre fanatics, keeps coming back for the content he can’t get anywhere else.

“It’s an important part of my day,” he says.

Most Sabre faithful are men, but not all of them. Lisa McAvoy, a 1981 UVA graduate who lives in Arlington, reads the site religiously. On a recent trip to Oakland, she excused herself from a family gathering to log on to The Sabre for a half-hour.

“It’s great because there’s this whole collection of people out there who are like me, so I can plug into a passion without being [in] Charlottesville,” McAvoy says. “You’ll see someone post ‘I’m on vacation in Italy.’ That’s the power of the Internet—connecting disparate people.”

She feels ambivalent about her “addiction,” though.

“The intellectual snob part of me is embarrassed that I’m doing this,” she says. “There are moments when I step back and realize that I spend $35 a year [for access to recruiting news on The Sabre] to follow the whims and fancies of high-school students.”

It seems that the site itself is no better or worse than any other component of big-time sports, but it does lay bare the light and dark sides of fandom like nothing else can.

Doug Doughty, who covers UVA sports for the Roanoke Times, says The Sabre simply reveals a true cross-section of fans, from the “knee-jerk reactions to the thick-and-thin” supporters. Doughty, a frequent target of criticism on the message boards, says he routinely receives angry e-mails from UVA fans, many more so then when fans had to sit down and compose a letter.

“It’s a product of the whole Net generation,” Doughty says. “A lot of times, when I type a sensible reply, I’ll get a response from someone saying, ‘Oh, I didn’t really mean that.'”

As Ingalls sees it, The Sabre, whatever its faults, has brought the fan base closer together. And that has happened at a crucial time for UVA athletics. The University is trying to grow into an expanded stadium and a new basketball arena is under construction. That requires enthusiastic fans. And millions of dollars.

When it comes to his own business, though, Ingalls is wont to discuss the finances, for fear of tipping off rival companies. He will not say how many people work for the site at the moment, though there is at least a handful of full-time staffers—a content editor, an advertising director, a store manager and a recruiting guru, in addition to part-time freelance writers.

Ingalls hopes that The Sabre can become successful enough for him to retire on. For now, there are other perks. Though Ingalls often spends between eight to 14 hours at a desk in the corner of his bedroom—his “office”—there are days when he gets to go on the field, just like the players, as part of his job. Once he was an unknown guy in a baseball cap. Now, he cannot walk into Scott Stadium or University Hall without someone recognizing him or complimenting his site.

“When I hear Coach Groh say, ‘Hey Mike, how ya doing?’ it’s like—woah. You feel respected in terms of being a media representative, in passing along information to the public,” Ingalls says. “Even though I didn’t graduate from UVA, I can still put my heart and soul into it.”




pointed commentary
A snap-shot from The Sabre’s football message board,Friday, September 12.


Poll—What was the worst moment for this board?

—Hoo98, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:20:07pm.


Duke loss, Curry committing to UNC, VT in 2001.

—BoardHost, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:48:03pm.


Learning Casteen sold out for political gain.

—TonyClifton, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:29:32pm.


Fred’s expansion commentary. Sorry, Fred. 😉

—26.2Hoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:13:23pm.


Hey now…I resemble that remark.

—Fred F., Fri Sep 12 2003 3:20:29pm.


I had to give you your due.

—26.2Hoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:39:09pm.


Coach Beamer shaking hands w/UNC’s Dick Baddour…oh wait, wrong board.

—Mad Bowl, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:11:08pm.

All good ones below—how about “keep Danny Wilmer” after Groh was hired.

—gfhoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:09:45pm.


1998 GT AND UGA. Two blown 21 point leads

in Hotlanta.

—Salems#1HOO, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:01:23pm.


When the board was pansy blue

because Boardhost lost a bet to

some ‘Heels….

—Karl Hess, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:58:36pm.


LOL! I can’t believe you still remember that.

—BoardHost, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:41:30pm.


How bad was it after the Duke (97) and

WFU (01) losses? I was at the games.

—Hoo98, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:57:18pm.


Learning Tek [sic] would be included in expansion.…

—hoo75, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:55:58pm.


Or realizing I was truly an armchair genius.…

—hoo7, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:03:52pm


Ellis v. Rivers debate.

—zeropointzero, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:51:38pm.

BYU 2000 fallout was real ugly.

—game time, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:39:19pm.


But Duke at home was the worst.

—JoeHoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:40:57pm.


This board has never come close to the negativity on the Hoops board.

—MrHoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:36:52pm.


For the last three years of Welsh’s regime, the hoops board was a bastion of sanity.

—hooba, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:53:12pm.


I wonder why that is.

—JoeHoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:42:32pm.


After Ronald Curry signed with UNC.

—SysHoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 2:35:31pm.


Yep—seemed like there were a million “My last Curry post” subject lines.

—gfhoo, Fri Sep 12 2003 4:01:31pm.


Bingo—a four-year hangover from that one!

—Wahoo Josh, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:42:10pm.


It has to be Curry. Nothing else is even close

—98Cav, Fri Sep 12 2003 3:33:41pm.



Where’s Wilk Hall? posters meet for buds, suds and the freshest tailgate parties in town

Free beer makes fast friends. It also helped turn an online community into an unlikely horde of Wahoo tailgaters. A typical wine-and-cheese contingent they are not.

The group started last year when Darren Yowell, a zealous Cavaliers fan, posted a message on The Sabre inviting other die-hards to join him for a tailgate prior to Virginia’s spring game. Yowell offered to provide the suds. About 60 people showed up. The fans, many of whom had previously only known one another only by their Sabre “handles,” could now shake hands, wolf down snacks together, and meet the wives.

Yowell, 34, extended another invitation for the season opener against Colorado State, and about 100 fans came. As the season wore on, the gatherings became more popular, perhaps drawing even heavier crowds at road games, since fans had fewer pre-game options outside of Charlottesville.

At first, the event lacked a name, but that changed when a poster who’d ordered football tickets asked an innocent question on the Sabre message board: Where was “Wilk Hall?” The UVA ticket office had told him he could pick up his tickets there, he explained. Only they’d said “will call,” of course. The Sabre collectively exploded in laughter and the tailgate found its moniker.

Unlike many pre-game gatherings, this one is socially diverse, drawing lawyers and laborers alike. “There’s an intermingling of guys that normally wouldn’t be giving each other the time of day,” says R.W. “Butch” Johnson, who works for Norfolk Southern Corporation, a railroad company, and treks to games from his home in Salem. “I’ve gotten close to a lot of people on the site that I never would’ve met in a 100 years. They’ve become part of an extended family.”

Yowell, who lives in Winchester and works for a beer distributor, recently purchased a 34-foot motor home, a gameday chariot that he loads with 15-20 cases of beer. A buddy cooks up fare appropriate for each opponent’s mascot.

While Wilk Hall is not a real place, it has become a state of mind.

“It’s all about the hardcore fans, just the fans who are committed—no bullshit,” says Yowell, who has established a Web site in honor of the gathering []. “It’s for the fans that are gonna go on the road, not the ones that say they’re doing all that.”

Yowell did not attend UVA, but he is a regular donor to the Virginia Athletics Foundation. He doesn’t take kindly to the idea that fans like him are diluting the traditional fan base, a view that has been espoused by some posters on the Sabre who lament the apparent decline in preppy spectators in the stands.

“I’ve got on a big orange ‘Hoo T-shirt, I’ve got a shaved head and look psycho,” Yowell says proudly.

That’s just fine with Al Groh, UVA’s football coach, who has praised the Wilk Hall crew at VAF events. As he tries to build the Cavs into a football powerhouse, Groh has been clear about what he wants to see in the stands: Maniacs.

And maniacs apparently should not look like they are going to a dinner party. That is why, at a press conference following the Duke game earlier this month, Groh congratulated the home fans for their noise, but also for their dress. “Looks like we’re in the process of trading in repp ties for body paint, and blue cotton Oxford button downs for T-shirts—orange ones at that,” Groh told reporters.

That shift Groh envisions is sartorial, but also psychological: If UVA fans look the part, they will play it better, louder, just like the fans down in Blacksburg, where there is no such thing as a semi-formal Hokie, or a subdued one.

Yowell says that UVA can fill up Scott Stadium and build more grassroots support for the team by reaching out to non-alumni like him, to “blue collar” Virginians.

“There is the image of UVA fan as being a stuffy bowtie-wearing snob—an elitist attitude that’s stuck,” Yowell says. “Joe Schmoe who’s an asphalt worker…doesn’t give a damn about that. He just wants to go see a good game and have fun.”

To be sure, UVA has started to court new fans by flexing its sports-marketing muscle like never before. The series of slick Cavalier football television and radio advertisements that aired recently in Central Virginia are part of a larger effort to attract football enthusiasts with no connection to the university, according to Andrew Rader, UVA’s associate athletic director of marketing, promotions and licensing.

“To have the support we want to have, to have the enthusiasm and energy in the stadium, we’re going to need those people…people who live in Madison County who have never been to a Virginia game before,” Rader says. “We’re trying to reach the whole demographic.”–E.H.


The Editor's Desk


Premature evacuation

Ted Rall can remind us that he told us so as our victory in Iraq seems ever more pyrrhic with each passing day and dead GI. But his vision loses its clarity when he advocates immediate withdrawal from Iraq ["What went wrong," AfterThought, September 9].

It would be unconscionable to leave Iraq with no government in place. Without a strong government, there would almost certainly be a bloodbath in that country that Saddam Hussein held together with an iron hand. Neighboring nations might get drawn in. The whole region could erupt in violence, and wasn’t that what our preemptive war was supposed to prevent?

Whether it was a good or bad idea for the United States to inject itself into the heart of the volatile Middle East, it is a decision we will have to live (or die) with for some time to come.

J.A. Barker



Emma revealed 

After she appeared in The Rant twice [August 26, September 9], we, the roommates of Emma the Jogger, felt that a face should be given to the name. We wanted the archetype of Charlottesvillian heroics to be pictured after being mentioned twice in your paper [see photo, right]. Note the shameless product placement. Emma the Jogger loves helping people and reading C-VILLE, and you can quote us.


PS: I’m a New Yorker and I don’t honk. Quote that too.

PPS: We live at that infamous intersection [Rugby Road and University Circle] and don’t appreciate the honking.

Anna Iasmine Kirkorian

and Catherine Irwin




In last week’s review of the Tom Tom Club’s Starr Hill show, the accompanying photo misidentified one of the performers as bassist Tina Weymouth. The photo was actually of band member Victoria Clamp.

A sidebar in last week’s "The art of noise" cover story made reference to "the robotic music perfectly complimenting the emotionless expression of a handsome, shirtless, tousle-haired young man…" in the doorway of Fashion Square Mall’s Abercrombie & Fitch store. The music did not, in fact, personally offer warm regards to the poster. Instead, it complemented the picture’s soulless state of being.

In last week’s Fishbowl story "The barber of C’ville," the price of a haircut at Staples Barber Shop was incorrectly listed as $13. The correct price is $11.



Wheels keep on turning
The City tackles traffic from signals to bikes to gnarly street crossings

Mixed signals

Whenever City and County officials talk about traffic, the message is always an ode to regional cooperation. The traffic problem is bigger than any one jurisdiction, they say, so Charlottesville and Albemarle have to work together for everyone’s benefit. Isn’t that sweet?

So why is it that when officials actually do something about traffic, minor decisions turn into melodramatic turf battles?

When the City started building a traffic light at the entrance to the new Best Buy store on 29N, Albemarle flipped its lid. Recent City-County studies indicate the highway needs fewer stoplights, not more, and the County claims City Council didn’t give it a heads-up that Best Buy was moving in and that the store would require a stoplight.

"They knew damn well about it," counters Jim Tolbert, the City’s planning director. "We communicated with County staff about the light. It wasn’t a secret."

Tolbert says Best Buy started asking for a light in January. About that time, the City’s traffic engineer resigned, so the City hired consultants Kimley Horn to do a study. In April, Kimley Horn apparently found that Best Buy indeed needed a light, and Tolbert says he talked to the County’s planning department about it back then.

On April 14, County planning director Wayne Cillemberg sent Tolbert a letter thanking him for the Best Buy site plan and asking the City not to build a median break and signal for the store, claiming it would have "detrimental impacts" on traffic.

"The City never responded to the letter," says County Supervisor Dennis Rooker.

Albemarle wasn’t alone in the dark, however. Kevin Lynch, City Council’s representative to the Metropolitan Planning Organization, a regional transportation planning body, says he didn’t know about the light either. Lynch says that as recently as August, City staff told him there wasn’t going to be a new signal at Best Buy.

According to Tolbert, the Best Buy light isn’t really a new signal. It’s simply a "modification" to the existing signal at the 250 ramp, and the Best Buy light will run in synch with the 250 signal and the one at 29N and Angus Road.

"Technically they’re correct, but that’s a bit of a semantic leap," says Lynch. "I was surprised it went through without my knowledge, and I can see why the County was, too."

After all this, Butch Davies, the local liaison to the Virginia Department of Transporation, sent Mayor Maurice Cox a letter chastising the City for building the light without local dialogue. The County got a copy of the letter, and they made sure to send a copy to the Daily Progress––the official version of "Nanynany booboo, you got in trouble."

This is your bureaucracy at work, people. If our leaders can’t build a simple signal without a Clintonian debate about what a "light" is, or rounds of playground finger-pointing, how can we expect them to solve the real traffic problems that will come when the County builds Albemarle Place, projected to spit out almost 40,000 cars per day into the Hydraulic Road intersection? Almost makes us yearn for the old days when VDOT would just stomp into town with plans for some monstrous interchange nobody wanted. Almost.


A yellow bike comeback?

Last year, the City unveiled its Dave Matthews Band-funded "yellow bike" program to great fanfare. The City built yellow bike racks around town and filled them with refurbished yellow cycles, which were promptly stolen and gone forever. Burned, local bike enthusiasts plan to reinvent the program as a "bike library."

Developer and DMB manager Coran Capshaw donated warehouse space at a former car dealership near West Main’s Hampton Inn to the new yellow bike program. The space is filled with donated bikes that still need to be repaired. "It looks like endless bikes in there," says program coordinator Stephen Bach.

Bach is trying to recruit volunteers to fix up the bikes for the bike library. Instead of painting the bikes yellow and placing them around town, people who need a bike will come to the warehouse and borrow a bike for a deposit of $20. "If they bring the bike back

in useable condition, they get the $20 back," Bach says.

Bach says he needs about 10 volunteers working a regular basis before he can open the library, which he insists will not merely be an opportunity for dishonest people to "buy" a bike for $20. "We’ll want the bikes back," he says.


Look both ways

When the Music Resource Center moves into the former Mt. Zion Baptist Church on Ridge Street, the children who use the MRC will have to brave one of Charlottesville’s gnarliest intersections.

Even for able-bodied adults, the intersection of Ridge/ McIntire, West Main, Water and South streets is like a game of Frogger, especially between 3pm and 5:30pm, when kids will likely be heading in and out of the MRC. The lack of bike lanes around the busy intersection make it even more hostile to youngsters.

MRC director and 25-year City resident Sibley Johns says she remembers when you could "shoot through" that intersection. "Now it’s quite a tangle," she says. "At that location, we think we’re going to attract a lot more kids, and most of our kids come on foot," says Johns. She says the MRC may establish a buddy system for kids walking home at night. "To be honest, we haven’t gotten that far, but it is something we’ll be sensitive to."

No matter how you cross the intersection, you always seem to end up scampering away from oncoming cars, and running that pedestrian gauntlet has become a joke for the employees of Category 4, an Internet company next door to Mt. Zion.

"We always say there needs to be a bridge. It’s a pain in the ass to cross," says Category 4’s Robin Stevens. "It’s especially hard for businesses on West Main, because there’s no link to Downtown. Also, I think there needs to be a tree at the corner of South Street and Ridge. That’s the hottest intersection in Charlottesville, because you’re standing there for freakin’ ever."

Edgard and Maj-Gun Mansoor, who run Mansoor’s Oriental art and gift shop at the corner of Ridge and West Main, however, say the intersection is no big deal. "Not for us, anyway," says Maj-Gun. Edgard says crossing Ridge before the intersection is easier than navigating the crosswalks near the Lewis and Clark statue. "I guess I’m breaking the law," he confesses.

The City plans to address the intersection as part of its plans to remake West Main Street and link it with Downtown. The work of Philadelphia architects WRT on that project is on hold, though, pending the recommendations of a "transit forum" the City plans to hold in October. So far, WRT has only recommended closing South Street to traffic, but the intersection will need a more extensive treatment if the City wants people—including young musicians—to walk between West Main and Downtown.––John Borgmeyer


Clothes to you
If threads make the man, this guy could be Dean Martin

The Downtown Mall is many things, including a catwalk of sorts. A casual stroll there affords you the spectrum of men’s fashions, from the stiff Burberry-wearing corporatista to the ratty skater punk in Fourstar cargo shorts. By the time you get to the east end of the pedestrian walkway, however, you’ll notice something distinctive and unexpected. Outside one of the City’s few remaining haberdasheries is likely to be relaxing a young man of slick hair and princely posture who wouldn’t look out of place with Frank, Dean, Joey and the rest of the Rat Pack. Wearing an impeccably tailored shirt and slacks, it’s clear this man is thoroughly comfortable in what he wears, even as his attire stands out like a Vivaldi rose in a cornfield. That comfort, Joseph Falvella will tell you, is the mark of a truly fashionable man.

"To each his own is the way I see it. I don’t fault anybody for what they wear," he says. A salesman at The Men & Boy’s Shop and a veritable poster board for a kind of custom-made fashion that seems to have faded away, the distinctive Falvella is hesitant to pinpoint his style. On a recent Monday afternoon, the reluctant fashionista wore his traditional garb of gray cotton shirt with a straight collar, tan suspenders, patterned tie—both of woven silk—brown worsted wool trousers, and two-tone leather spectators.

"When I was growing up, I always used to see my grandfather—he was a car salesman—always have on a nice shirt and a tie and pair of slacks. And it was always a nice clean-cut look," the New Jersey-born Falvella says. "Used to be, pretty much everybody wore a nice shirt and slacks. Nobody left the house without a hat."

That attention to detail in men’s clothing is something that Falvella, 28, feels is lost.

"I think people settle for going to your big box department stores, rooting around for stuff by themselves, not getting waited on. Thinking they know what size they wear. And most people just accept that that’s the way its supposed to be," he says.

Most men aren’t interested in shopping, so they don’t mind getting their fashions like their fast food—in a hurry. And while there are plenty of stores that cater to that "get it and throw it on" mentality, Falvella, a loyal employee who has worked at owner Michael Kidd’s store for 10 years, says, not surprisingly, that fellas can still find attentive service at The Men & Boy’s Shop.

"I’ve got guys who bought suits 10 years ago and they come back and they say ‘Hey, I need the waist taken in or the pants adjusted.’ No problem," Falvella says. "I think that’s where we’ve got most places beat."

But even a Dapper Dan like Falvella will allow himself a little fashion break on the weekend.

"I don’t own sweats. I don’t own tennis shoes. I’m comfortable in dress slacks and a shirt. Granted, I don’t walk around mowing the grass in a necktie. I’ll take that off, " he says.

Pressed to describe his style, Falvella says he likes to wear clothes with natural fibers that are "classic and traditional, but in a stylish, sporty sense." But he still resists offering any advice for the fashion-impaired.

"Whatever makes that person happy. It’s their hard-earned money that they’re spending on something for themselves. If they’re happy in it and they’re comfortable in it, that’s the bottom line."—Jennifer Pullinger



Charge of the light brigade
LED leaders Inova to brighten Water Street

At 11pm, the corner at Water and Second streets is dark. The only light emits from the buzzing fixtures on the side of the Water Street parking garage, the dull yellow of four lamps in the adjacent parking lot, and a smattering of streetlights. But this fall, the corner will look a little more like Times Square, bathed in moving light as the new City Center for Contemporary Arts—housing Live Arts, Second Street Gallery and LightHouse—will open, sporting 40-foot-plus signs not unlike those seen outside the studios of "Good Morning America." The urban décor comes courtesy of a big player on the computerized-signage market—one that just happens to live down the street. Introducing Inova, the biggest company in Charlottesville you’ve never heard of.

You might not know about Inova, but you’ve doubtless noticed its building. It’s the one visible from Belmont Bridge with the jumping dancer hanging off the side just above the office of Inova founder and CEO Tom Hubbard, who started the company with his wife, Wendy, in 1984. Back then, Inova was an enterprise for reselling LED (light-emitting diode) signs. In the years since the company has become a force in the technology market, creating its own hardware—shipping nearly 1,000 signs a year—and creating a software package that has been installed in nearly 3,000 locations worldwide.

The Inova lobby looks in to the "burn-in" room. There, dozens of signs stream information in a continuous loop: the weather, headline news, a quote of the day. As Seth Wood, Inova’s marketing guy, explains, if LED signs like these fail, it’s usually within the first few days of start-up. So to keep from sending its clients lemons, Inova runs the signs non-stop for several days to work out the bugs.

Wood says the company’s clients fall largely into two groups, telephone call-in centers (translated: telemarketers) and transportation systems. It has sold wallboards to airports and subway systems in Los Angeles; Chicago; Ft. Worth, Texas; and Washington, D.C., where Inova LEDs inform Metro passengers of delays, security alerts and more.

But this serious business is a diminishing part of Inova’s focus. "Our business is changing right now," Hubbard says. "We’re a technology company and we constantly have to innovate, adapt and anticipate the reality of what’s down the road. What’s happening is we’ve become more and more of a software company." The LightLink software that allows clients to tailor LED messages and which is Inova’s latest push, costs between $10,000 and $100,000 depending on the complexity of the system.

On the local front, Inova has kept mostly quiet—none of the signs or products is readily available to Charlottesvillians. That will change with the new C3A building, which will feature three signs from Inova—two 26′ signs along the Water Street front, which will overlap for a total of approximately 41′, and a 3′ sign on the Second Street side that should be visible from Central Place on the Downtown Mall.

Live Arts Artistic Director John Gibson brought Inova into the project after partnering with the company for a gala fundraiser five years ago. "When we started thinking about the new building and thinking about distinctive Central Virginia businesses that we would enjoy being associated with and that could make a meaningful contribution to the building, Inova was at the top of our list," he says.

Inova donated all the signage to the project, using excess materials and extra staff power. These mark the largest signs the company has ever made. Given that normal signs range from $2,500 to $20,000, that’s a substantial contribution.

No one is saying whether the signs will be ready for C3A’s late-October opening, and whether they’ll run 24/7. But once they’re up, Live Arts will determine the messages that run across the screens, a prospect that makes Gibson roar with delight. "I have lots of ideas," he says cryptically. "It will definitely be worth keeping an eye on that space."—Eric Rezsnyak

The Editor's Desk



In last week’s Fishbowl story on Greenwood Chemical Company’s continuing saga, "An unclean clean-up," one of the sources was misidentified as Irwin McCauley. His name is actually Irvin Wood.

An error in last week’s GetOutNow section listed the Miller Center’s forum on "Exploring Global Fundamentalism" as taking place Friday, September 12. The correct date was Monday, September 15.



Reflecting the past
New African-American newspaper dusts off a 70-year mission

When Thomas J. Sellers founded the Reflector, a weekly newspaper for African-Americans published in Charlottesville between 1931 and 1935, he wrote that his aim was not to cover all the news but to "reflect the progress of our community and Race."

Seventy years later, a pair of local entrepreneurs have dusted off the Reflector nameplate, but with a slightly different mission statement. In March, Corey Carter and Waki Wynn jumped into the crowded Charlottesville publishing market with the first issue of the new African American Reflector.

"We thought the name would be a great tribute to Thomas Sellers," says Carter, the Reflector’s 31-year-old editor. By reviving the Reflector name, the bi-monthly paper intentionally highlights the contrast between Charlottesville’s black community in the Jim Crow ’30s and its black community today.

Back then, Charlottesville incubated one of the most progressive centers of black culture anywhere in the South. The most popular columns from old issues of the Reflector are society pages full of the comings and goings of black elites, focusing on names that are still familiar today: Coles, Bell, Tonsler, Inge and Jackson. Now, however, Carter laments the decline of the city’s black culture––sealed with the destruction of Vinegar Hill in the ’60s, Carter believes—and the current paucity of black-owned businesses and nightspots.

"Charlottesville has a hard time keeping black professionals," says Carter. "I have successful friends who say ‘I love Charlottesville, but what am I going to do here?’ They’ve gone off to D.C. or Richmond or Atlanta."

Carter and Wynn have stayed, remaining here after growing up together in Charlottesville. Carter left briefly to teach English in Baltimore public schools, dreaming of owning a newspaper before returning home. Meanwhile Wynn went through a succession of home-based businesses like Amway, Primerica and Quixtar. He also started a lawn-care business and tried selling vending machines and printing t-shirts before working for the ill-fated Internet company Value America. He started Wacky Entertainment, through which he has put on jazz and r’n’b shows around town.

It was at one of those shows that Carter and Wynn decided to start a newspaper.

"We saw the issue about the lack of entertainment venues as hand-in-hand with the issue of a newspaper," says Carter. "We need more culture."

The Reflector staff includes just Carter, Wynn and his wife, Traci, the paper’s staff writer. The free paper claims a circulation of about 6,000 and distributes in about 70 sites in Charlottesville, Albemarle and surrounding counties. Like the old Reflector, the new paper counts on an audience of liberal white readers as well as blacks.

"The boxes in Forest Lakes are always empty," says Carter. "About half our e-mails are from white readers saying ‘Thank you.’"

The content includes "From the Editor" comments on local events and calls for black activism, and "Reflections," a section that reprints articles from the old Reflector as well as writings from black scholars such as David Walker and W.E.B. DuBois. The paper has taken an aggressive stand on the achievement gap issue in City and County schools, asking: "Are the futures of black students being gambled away the minute black parents send their children to public schools? The numbers suggest yes."

Even as the upstart Reflector stumps for more local black culture, they face competition from the 50-year-old Charlottesville-Albemarle Tribune. That paper is currently wrapped up in a legal drama in which former ad rep Rosanna Harris sued publisher Agnes Cross-White for $1 million, alleging Cross-White lied about the Tribune’s circulation. Cross-White contends the lawsuit is frivolous and claims Harris forged checks and stole her car.

About the time the old Reflector made its debut, the Daily Progress published two newspapers, one with white society news and the other with black society news. In an editorial, Sellers challenged anyone offended by segregation to support the Reflector. "So, unless those protestors cooperate with this, their own weekly paper," he wrote, "I shall be forced to believe that they are only jokers."

Carter and Wynn don’t make such explicit challenges, but the subtext of the new Reflector is an appeal to the city’s older, middle-class black population to come out and rebuild a culture in Charlottesville.

"That’s a big issue," says Wynn. "If we just wanted to make money, we wouldn’t have started a newspaper."––John Borgmeyer


Queer eye
for the frat guy
Stylish advice from the family to the brothers

With the recent announcement that campus group Out on Rugby plans to form a gay fraternity at UVA, C-VILLE put in a call to local homosexual Pierce Atkins. Since every man of the gay persuasion is an arbiter of good taste, Ace’s "that way" brother gave the non-gay frat boys tips on how to live more fabulously on Rugby Road so as to welcome their prospective gay brothers. After a few cosmos at Escafé he opened right up. An edited transcript follows.

C-VILLE: So Pierce, say I’m your average frat boy. What can I do to spruce myself up a little bit?

Pierce Atkins: I think you mean "Bruce" yourself up a little bit. Just kidding. Listen, I’ve seen my fair share of frat boys. Believe me—try Googling "frat boys." Let’s start with fashion. Foxfield is the social event of the year. Make your best impression by selecting a visor, tie and flipflops to match the Coors Light in your hand. The silver, red and black make an eye-catching combo, and also work to disguise the eventual vomit stains. But pity Bud Light fans. I can’t help to coordinate that mess.

What about interior decorating? Frathouses aren’t known for their stylish ambience.

One of the first rules of interior design is to pick an essential piece and create a room around it. In frat houses, that’s almost universally the ping pong table. Use that to your advantage. Experiment in netting, paddles (good for pledging, too!) and deep, forest green as room treatments. Plus, the central location will make beer pong more easily accessible and offer a large, uncluttered surface for Domino’s delivery. Just make sure to clean off the pizza boxes when the mold colonies start to gain sentience.

Speaking of food, is there life beyond boxed macaroni and cheese and Ramen noodles?

In general, stick to the essentials. But when trying to impress that special lady in your life, splurge a little on Chef Boy-R-Dee. Rumor has it he was trained at the Culinary Institute of America. In any event, this works out doubly well for you. You’ll have a swoon-worthy Beefaroni dinner that the anorexic sorority girls won’t touch, meaning more for you. When it comes to wine, try to avoid the screw-off top. Nothing says "I want your sex" like a cork popping from a bottle.

Once they’ve wooed their paramour, any culture hints on making it a night to remember?

There is more to music than the Dave Matthews Band. While he has some decent ballads, jam bands are not meant for jammin’ between the sheets. I’m not saying you need to work in some of the first ladies—Cher, Bette, Madonna, Celine. That’s a bit much for the Greek scene. But try to inject some estrogen into the mix. Think Moby.

Assuming the night goes well, and well into morning, how does the successful frat boy keep fresh before class the next day?

Showers are your friend—while she’s taking one, you can quietly sneak out without that awkward post-coital conversation. To avoid knocking your friends dead in the lecture hall, always remember to bring a bottle of Brut cologne, a quick change of ballcap and those nifty breath strips. If you’re really good you can go for weeks without anyone knowing you’re a complete and total scumbag under those clothes.

Sounds pretty simple. Any other words of wisdom?

Well, to be honest, I think the boys are doing just fine. I mean, the world needs more big houses full of hunky men willingly living together. Sure they’re rough around the edges, but I like ‘em rough. Now, who’s up for beer pong?


The barber of C’ville
Ken Staples turns heads, cutting hair fromLong to short

For 11-year-old Carter Clarke, getting a haircut means a chance to spot celebrities. Clarke, a regular patron of Staples Barber Shop, has seen former NBC 29 weatherman Robert Van Winkle sitting in one of the shop’s ancient, green barber’s chairs. But he has yet to see Staples’ best-known customer, football star turned commentator, turned actor, turned appliance spokesman Howie Long, who according to owner Ken Staples has given much publicity to the 80-year-old business. "We need an agent around here to keep up with all this stuff," he jokes to a fellow barber during an interview.

For Staples, 71, business has been booming as of late. He and his six fellow barbers pull in about 150 customers a day during peak season, closing only on Sunday. At $13 a pop (not to mention tips—"To me that’s a personal thing between the customer and the barber," Staples says), that amounts to more than $600,000 annually for the 1950s throwback establishment, wedged in between Greenberry’s and Quiznos in the Barracks Road Shopping Center.

Part of the reason is Long’s distinctive flat top hairdo, which has made Staples the topic of conversation on national television programs like "The Tonight Show."

"These talk shows on TV, once they get through the ‘hellos,’ go straight to his hair," Staples says. He’s received his share of requests from other customers for a Howie Long haircut, he adds, though it doesn’t work for everybody. "It’s rare that a person’s head gives you the material for perfect flat top the way Howie’s does," he says.

While Staples’ national exposure is a recent development, the barber shop has been in the local limelight a lot longer. For some customers, going to Staples represents the ultimate in good-old-boy networking. Sen. George Allen "was a customer long before he went into politics," says Staples. Former UVA Rector Hovey Dabney has been going to Staples for 50 years.

"The atmosphere hasn’t changed," says Dabney. "It’s still the same. That’s why I look forward to going."

Dabney’s picture hangs twice among the likes of Long and Allen, on the store’s wood-paneled wall of fame, identifying him as Ken Staples’ first customer in the Barracks Road location. Going into Staples and seeing the pictures brings back to Dabney a lot of pleasant memories of an earlier Charlottesville. "That’s where you go to see all your friends and get all the news."

Staples’ father Albert came to Charlottesville in 1921. He opened his original barber shop in 1923 in a pink stucco building on E. Main Street, where Ken Staples began working in 1956 at the age of 24. It was two years later when the shop struck a deal to become one of the first businesses in the developing Barracks Road Shopping Center. For a while, both locations were in business, with the younger Staples running the Barracks Road shop and his father remaining Downtown. "Then the long hair came and killed it for everybody," Staples recalls.

When business slowed down, Albert Staples moved to Barracks Road where he, Ken and a third barber weathered the stormy ’60s and ’70s relying on their core of customers. Ken Staples "would come to my house and cut my hair…when I was sick," Dabney says. "One day my daughter was there and he taught her how to cut hair." The seasoned Albert had his own loyal following and would cut hair by appointment until he retired in 1994, dying in 1996 at the age of 98. Five or six years ago business really picked up, Dabney says, much of it due to an influx of UVA students, who, whether through the shop’s publicity, its location, or a new, retrograde standard of fashion, have become regular customers for now.

Staples estimates that 25 percent of his customers are new to the shop. But, he adds, this number will diminish as the school year passes and first-timers become familiar faces. "That’s part of the trade is when a barber waits on a person, he remembers that person."

In a city where transients and transplants influence many aspects of everyday life, Staples provides his customers with a sense of community. He plans no changes for the future. It’s the old-fashioned tradition, he says, that continues to draw people to Staples seeking a return to the days of one-on-one customer service and an escape from the atmosphere of chrome-laden chain salons. "There’s a billion of them out there that cut hair, but there are very few barbers."—Ben Sellers

The Editor's Desk


Little lovey

A Mini is a Mini is a Mini ["It’s a small world," Fishbowl, August 19]. I love my feisty little bulldog of a car!

Judy Brubaker



Turn a Corner

As I was reading the "Best of" issue [August 5] I was struck by how unrepresented The Corner is, not only by the C-VILLE but by the City in general. It has been described as the "adopted step-child" of Charlottesville, and this issue typified it for me in print. I may be biased since I am a Corner merchant, but I chose to be here because of the beauty and diversity of this area of town. I was so happy to see Dixie Divas made your list (you go, girl!). But that Frank’s Pizza (for best slice) and Jefferson’s Gardens behind the Rotunda (for best place for urban reflection) didn’t make the list made me wonder—who votes for these things anyway? When I found out the voting is done in May, when the University is either in the chaos of finals, or everyone is gone, I understood the lack of representation of this whole area. If the voting was done in March, even if the issue still came out in August, I wonder if the results would be the same.

The Corner has some of the most beautiful architecture, gardens and homes, great restaurants and interesting shops in all of Charlottesville. The traffic isn’t bad—think of 29 North—parking is easy and free (most merchants validate) and I am convinced townspeople have a mental block against coming to this area, which is fed by the City and the C-VILLE’s lack of support. That so much funding by the City and as many articles by the C-VILLE encourage people to use the Downtown part of Charlottesville, and so little has gone to the University area—which is why this city was built—seems to confirm the "adopted step-child" theory.

The amount of money that has gone to "face lifts," highway signs and urban renewal (remember the Omni?) devoted to Downtown seems way out of proportion to where the tax base of this City is located. Between the hospital and the University, do the townspeople realize the vast resources in libraries, gardens, specimen plants, museums and history that are centered here? That so little energy and so little mention by the C-VILLE is put toward this jewel that is really the heart and soul of our City is just plain sad.

JoAnna Palmer


Trade Roots




In last week’s Ask Ace, Ace Atkins incorrectly reported that the City projected it would take three weeks to recoup the cost of the new parking meters at the Water Street lot. It will actually take three months.