Modern English
Info for “Les 8 Gourmands” [“Eat your heart out, September 21]: How the saying came to be on the label of an Aero candy bar at Foods of All Nations seems as illogical as its application to its true source, but “bubble and squeak” is a traditional English dish. The simple-and-humble ingredients hardly justify its flashy name—it is leftover cabbage and potatoes fried together. It might seem as though English cuisine puts the creative effort less into the actual plate and more into the literary aspect of the creation—a colorful name for it (e.g., “Toad-in-the-Hole,” “Spotted Dick,” etc.).
K. Steers
Free Union
In the September 21 “Eat your heart out” feature we incorrectly reported that Court Square Tavern’s Shepherd’s Pie features ground beef. In fact it is made with lamb.
Last week’s story about, “Rather knot,” incorrectly reported that Chris Tyrrell owns the website Though Tyrrell purchased the domain name for the site, he did so at the behest of Mike Krempasky, who runs the blog.