The Editor's Desk

Letters to the editor

In the opinion piece by Bob Hodous [Opinionated, April 18], the local Repub-lican Committee Chair forgot to inform us about Rob Schilling’s background.

In the opinion piece by Bob Hodous [Opinionated, April 18], the local Repub-lican Committee Chair forgot to inform us about Rob Schilling’s background. Mr. Schilling and his supporters always portray the Councilor as the advocate for the working class and the foe of the elite. What in Mr. Schilling’s background qualifies him to speak for blue-collar folks like me? Is it the fact that he was brought up affluent? Is it that he moved to Charlottesville in the 1990s and bought up a lot of rental property and became many citizens’ landlord? Is it that he has never had to work a day in his life and has never had to struggle to make ends meet? Is it that he only votes the way the local Chamber of Commerce members tell him to? Or is it that he doesn’t adequately study the issues enough to debate them knowledgeably at Council meetings?
    I think that none of these qualify him to represent me and my needs and values. In fact, I think when Mr. Schilling says he represents folks like me, he is lying.

Gene Fifer
Charlottesville, VA OR
106 E. Main St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Letters to the editor should be exclusive to C-VILLE Weekly and may pertain to content that we have published. Letters are not to exceed 400 words and may be edited for clarity and length. We accept letters via post or e-mail. To be published, letters must be signed. Please include a phone number for verification.

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