
Parking-meter thief hits jackpot, then jail

David Robert Brown, 35, was charged with grand larceny for stealing more than $1,000 from parking meters in the Water Street lot. Police caught him on camera around 1:45am Monday, July 17, tampering with meters.
    Meters were checked and cleared out by the City on June 13. When they were checked again June 30, about 30 meters didn’t have any change in them, so police set up a sting, a police source says.
    The ingenious pocket-change thief (and, one presumes, frequent Coinstar patron) used a manufactured key device to break into the meters, which were not permanently damaged. Officials are trying to determine how Brown, who is not a City employee, made the false key.
    Brown was charged with felony grand larceny, felony possession of burglary tools, and tampering with a coin-operated machine (a misdemeanor). He is currently out of jail on bond.

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