
The most wonderful time of the year

Everyone’s got their favorite time of year. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that one’s favorite season is as defining a characteristic as, say, one’s astrological sign, favorite color, or whether one prefers dogs or cats. Me, I live for fall: the crisp air, the colorful leaves, Thanksgiving, and, sartorially speaking, getting to finally cover up all those physical imperfections that get showcased throughout the summer, (no) thanks to tank tops and swimsuits.
    And while fall in the west is fine, and fall in the Northeast is lovely, fall in Virginia, to me, is heaven. So excuse me while I cheese out for a moment and point you in the direction of a blatantly promotional website, the aptly named Fall in Virginia.
    Keeping in mind that this site is a product of the Virginia Tourism Corporation—so don’t expect brilliant writing or the very latest in upper-case Cool. However, for finding out how to make the most out of those October and November weekends, this site does the trick. Looking for a festival to go to? A 48-hour getaway? The best places in the state for leaf peeping? Well, look no further. Fall in Virginia has a comprehensive list of all the Oktoberfests, weekend jaunts and state parks your little autumnal heart desires.
    Being a nerd, my favorite feature is the “Foliage Facts.” For example, did you know that trees in shade turn yellow, while trees in sun turn red? Or that 62.5 percent of Virginia is forested? That’s 15.8 million acres!
    So folks, get out there and get to know Nature this weekend. She’s glowing, and her dance card is open.

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