
System will track deadbeat developers

The new Biscuit Run development has made some of the most grandiose promises in Albemarle County history—and so far we’ve only seen the proposed offerings in the transportation realm. One alone is estimated to be worth $5.5 million. Still on the way are pledges of affordable housing, land for a school, and whatever else the Biscuit Run developers think will help expedite rezoning for their 3,100 housing-unit project.

How will County staff make sure Biscuit Run developers follow through on proffers, like the proposed connector road above? A new tracking system should help.

But how will the County make sure these deal-sweeteners, called “proffers,” come through? A new proffer tracking system, unveiled in limited capacity at the January 3 Board of Supervisors ( meeting. Supervisors saw screenshots of the software, which will easily allow County staff to generate reports on outstanding or overdue proffers.

Jan Sprinkle, chief of zoning, told the board that the County has received 237 proffers on 400 rezonings since the county was first zoned in 1969. Since 1997, the County has collected roughly $2.5 million in cash—other proffers come in forms like greenway dedication, road construction or affordable housing. Moving to the new system has already enabled County staff to collect $100,000 overdue from Hollymead Town Center’s Area C rezoning, said Sprinkle. “So it’s really working.”

Yet though proffers generate money, they also cost the County plenty in staff time. A “proffer planner” was hired in 2004 and County Attorney Larry Davis estimated that his office spent “hundreds of hours” on proffers for the North Pointe development slated for Route 29.

Moreover, the County might be a comparatively cheap date as compared to other
governments in Virginia. “We’re not getting nearly as much as other localities,”
said Sprinkle. Newly appointed board chair, Ken Boyd, said the fiscal advisory committee will present more information about changing the proffer policy next month.

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