
Corrections from previous issue

Due to a reporting error, in the Neighborhood section of the January edition of ABODE, published last week, we misspelled the name of Realtor Marjorie Adam. We regret the error.

Due to a production error, the maps that accompanied last week’s cover story [“How dense can we get?”] were not color-coded, as intended. To view the maps in all their four-color glory, please visit [archive issue 19.02]

Due to a reporting error, in last week’s 7 Days, we incorrectly identified the home state of freshman Congressman Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the subject of a recent anti-Muslim screed by Congressman Virgil Goode, who represents Charlottesville. Ellison is from Minnesota, not Illinois.


Let’s get affordable

When it comes to subjects like development and employment, UVA is undisputedly a major presence. But, according to Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors (CAAR) ( CEO Dave Phillips, the University isn’t even showing up to the affordable housing party, much less swapping ideas in the debate.

Realtor and CAAR CEO Dave Phillips wants UVA to join in the discussion on local affordable housing. UVA says it’s too busy being a university.

“I’m not sure that UVA’s doing anything for affordable housing,” Phillips says, echoing remarks he made in October at a work session with local developers. At that time, he said, “I think overall the University is the player here that’s not at the table, ever, on this discussion. If we can’t get them on board, we can never solve the affordable housing thing.”

UVA President John T. Casteen III had the opportunity to respond to this criticism at a legislative forum in December when an audience member brought up Phillips’ remarks.

The University is tackling affordable housing in its own way, Casteen said, mentioning projects like the architecture school’s ecoMOD modular housing project. Architecture faculty and plenty of alumni also pitched in on the Habitat for Humanity Builders Blitz last June.

“We house a lot of people at rates lower than in town,” Casteen said, adding, “What I doubt is that we will financially benefit people for whom Dave speaks.”

Indeed, UVA houses half of its undergraduate student body, and besides, Phillips isn’t complaining about the student housing problem—he represents developers and realtors who make a profit selling to parents of young ‘Hoos.

But Phillips is claiming UVA could do more to house its own large workforce.

“Other universities who face the same challenge have adopted things such as land grants and land trusts that are ways that the university employees can essentially live on land owned by the university at a more reasonable rate,” Phillips suggests.

UVA spokesperson Carol Wood responds via e-mail: “We are addressing the issue of affordable housing in the classroom and in the laboratory where faculty and students work together to create solutions that will become models that can be re-created not just in Charlottesville, but around the globe. …As a public institution of higher education, the University focuses on educating students.”


State, Feds debate minimum wage

It’s possible the Virginia General Assembly will pass minimum wage legislation this year, bumping up the State’s $5.15-per-hour wage, circa 1997, to $7.25. Groups like the Virginia Organizing Project (VOP) ( say they’ve lobbied especially hard, and three different versions of a minimum wage bill have been submitted for the 2007 General Assembly session.

Charlottesville Delegate David Toscano is sponsoring one of three minimum wage bills in the General Assembly this year. Will federal legislators beat the assembly to the punch on raising the paltry $5.15-an-hour rate?

But it’s looking like Congress might beat them to the punch. A minimum wage bill raising the wage to $7.25 passed the House with favor from 82 Republicans on January 10. The Senate will debate its own version of a minimum wage bill this month, reports The Washington Post, and the climate of Democratic takeover is sure to fan the flames of change.

“We don’t care what level it happens, we just want to see an increase in the minimum wage,” says Joe Szakos with the Charlottesville-based VOP. “We would prefer to have both federal and State so that the State says, ‘Yes, we really believe in this.’”

While federal Democrats may have a shot at minimum wage reform, local Dems may have their hands tied in a Republican-controlled General Assembly. Charlottesville Delegate David Toscano ( introduced a minimum wage bill, his second in two years in the assembly. He says intellectual trends about the economics of the minimum wage and majority constituent support give the bill a better chance.

Jan Cornell, leader of the Staff Union at UVA, has been following the wage issue in Virginia for over a decade. “The bill doesn’t even make it out of committee…because the Chamber [of Commerce] goes in there and says we’re going to lose jobs,” Cornell says.

The Virginia Chamber of Commerce has traditionally opposed a minimum wage hike, and they’re doing it again this year, confirms Amy Hewett, director of public relations for the chamber. Traditionally, opponents’ argument has been that raising the minimum wage is bad for the economy, hurts businesses and does nothing to increase productivity. This year, state Republicans have had another defense—they say the minimum wage decision should rest at the federal level.


Women’s rights challenged once again

Some State lawmakers are dead set on restricting women’s access to contraceptions and abortions, introducing legislation year after year to do just that. To explain the 2007 versions of bills introduced by the usual suspects in Richmond, the local group Left of Center ( called in their “favorite defender of the uterus,” Becky Reid, grassroots organizer of Planned Parenthood, to their January 9 meeting in Starr Hill’s Art Gallery.

Fresh off his marriage amendment triumph, Republican Delegate Bob Marshall is sponsoring legislation that would criminalize abortion the moment Roe v.Wade is overturned.

Speaking to a youthful crowd of around 50, Reid discussed the role of conservative legislators in morphing sexual education to promote moralist ideals. She emphasized that politicians “are trying to project bias into medical guidelines, when we need sound science and facts.”

Reid spoke specifically of Republican Delegate Bob Marshall ( of Manassas, who co-sponsored the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions. Should the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturn Roe v. Wade, Marshall’s House Bill 2124 would immediately criminalize abortion as it was pre-Roe—one to 10 years of jail time for performing an abortion. Marshall also co-sponsors Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) legislation, which would require greater building space for abortion facilities, effectively shutting down smaller clinics.

The new year also sees the introduction of a bill stating that for admission into schools, girls must have a vaccine for the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus initiated by any sexual contact and found to be a cause of cervical cancer—parents could chose to opt-out. Reid said that the State legislature has found ways to oppose the Birth Control Protection Act, which defines birth control as contraception and prevents it from being regulated by Virginia’s abortion laws that require a mandatory 24-hour delay, state-scripted counseling and parental consent for minors.

Next up for Planned Parenthood ( is the Pro-Choice Lobby Day on January 25 in Richmond.

The Editor's Desk

Two cheers for Goode

Burkah worse than bite

Now that we are into the New Year and I have had the opportunity to peruse your editions of December 26 and January 2, I submit the following comment on your attempted castigation of Congressman Virgil Goode for his remarks regarding the newly elected Muslim to Congress [“Goode makes complete ass of self,” Government News, December 19].

Your Mailbag prints letters from Wyoming, Alabama and Indiana. Below is my transmittal to Goode on December 21, 2006. How about printing one from Virginia?

P.S. I look forward to seeing you in a BURKHA!

Dear Virgil and Lucy,

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
This is also to express our total support of your comment regarding the use of the Koran in swearing in the newly elected Muslim congressman. This is totally unacceptable as this is not a Muslim nation, at least not yet, thank God, but there are many idiots here who would allow urestricted immigration and have the nation taken over by Muslims. We only have to look at France and Great Britain to see the results of such a policy.

When I stated that we have idiots here, I was specifically referring to that rocket scientist from New Jersey, Rep. Pascrell. He should be awarded “Moron of the Year.”
Keep up the good work, we’re with you!

Frederick W. Kahler

Goode keeps giving

While we are in this extended discussion of Representative Virgil Goode’s remarks, perhaps there is time for the staff of the C-VILLE Weekly to do some research concerning all governments in the world that are controlled by Muslims. This research could focus on the freedoms enjoyed by the citizens in these countries. Specifically, your staff could determine the extent citizens enjoy the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and their ability to petition the government. You might report on the criminal justice system, the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, the right to not receive unusual punishment, and their protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Finally, if there is sufficient time, you might also research the freedoms, respect and opportunities provided women and homosexuals, and the rights of citizens to have sexual relationships outside marriage. When you report back your findings, we should continue discussion of Representative Goode’s concerns.

Richard Smith

Rural in name only

In your recent Development Forecast 2007 (“How dense can we get?” January 9), you had a  commentary on Joe Jones, farmer and president of the Albemarle County Farm Bureau wherein you called him a ruralist. Mr. Jones may be a ruralist by virtue of the fact that he lives in the rural area. However, Mr. Jones and the Farm Bureau have shown that they are not interested in protecting the rural areas and promoting the continuing health of agriculture and forestry in this community. If they were they would have supported the phasing, clustering and mountain-top protection measures, all of which are vital to protecting our rural areas and their critical natural resources for the well-being of the entire community.

Instead, professing their devotion to the protection of private property rights, the Farm Bureau opposed all these measures. Really what they want to protect is their right to sell out to the highest bidding developer at some point. A. C. Shackelford, former president of
the Bureau, confirmed this in a conversation with Supervisor David Slutsky (C-VILLE Weekly, December 12) wherein he stated that protecting the rural areas was secondary to his main goal of protecting his wealth.

I offer these comments as someone who grew up on a farm in Albemarle County, which my husband and I continue to operate.

Wren Dawson Olivier

Two ways to visit the library

Thank you for your article “Public library: Where’s the love?” [Government News, December 26] encouraging new residents of our area to use the wonderful free (tax supported) resources of Jefferson-Madison Regional library. While the library’s books, CDs, and DVDs receive a lot of use—per capita library use here is 20 percent above the national average—the biggest change over the past year was in online use. More citizens are using the library’s website,, than ever before. In November 2005 the library’s website received 204,956 hits, while in November 2006 it received 277,705 hits: an increase of 35 percent. Through the library’s website the community has access to many valuable online databases, providing thousands of magazine and newspaper articles, available 24/7. So, even if readers can’t make it to the library, we invite them to visit online.

John Halliday
Library Director

Send your cards and letters to:
C-VILLE Weekly
106 E. Main St.
Charlottesville 22902 OR

Letters to the editor should be exclusive to C-VILLE Weekly and may pertain to content that we have published. Letters are not to exceed 400 words and may be edited for clarity and length. We accept letters via post or e-mail. To be published, letters must be signed. Please include a phone number for verification.


The sweet sound of desperation

“American Idol”
Tuesday 8pm, Fox

I literally spit in disgust when I think about how Taylor f’ing Hicks actually won last season’s “American Idol” competition. I mean, come on, people! I gave y’all a lot more credit than that. But I guess this is how things like Urkel or Jessica Simpson happen. Now is your chance to right your wrongs. It’s a new season. The rules remain completely unchanged. Paula will, undoubtedly, be drunk and/or frisky. And thousands of moderately talented souls are desperate for your attention and approval. Please, America, take your job seriously this time. Pick someone with at least a legitimate shot at sustainable fame; someone whose disc won’t make you shudder in embarrassment when you come across it in your CD tower five years from now. I’m only looking out for your best interests.

Friday 10pm, USA

This plucky detective show returns for Season 2 after a successful run last summer. The show stars the adorable James Roday as Shawn Spencer, the son of a cop (played by Corbin Bernsen, who really hasn’t aged well since “L.A. Law”) who now works as a psychic consultant to his local police department. Thing is, Shawn isn’t psychic—he’s just very perceptive, and a fantastic bullshitter with a bit of a prankster streak in him. He helps solve crimes with the assistance of his straight-laced pal Gus (Dule Hill, acquitting himself nicely post-“West Wing”). If you like the humor-laced crime drama of fellow USA hit “Monk,” give “Psych” a try.

“Ocean’s Deadliest/Steve Irwin Tribute”
Sunday 8pm, Discovery Channel

When Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray last September, I felt about the incident much like I feel when a NASCAR driver dies in a racetrack collision: Sure, it’s sad—but brother kind of had it coming. You spend your life taunting crocodiles and snakes, chances are you’re going to end up a snack for some member of the wild kingdom. Still, Irwin was a crusading environmentalist, and for that he will be missed. Tonight Discovery debuts the special he was working on when he died (no footage from the day of the accident is included), in which Irwin and Philippe Cousteau (Jacques’ grandson) document some of the scary-ass animals living in the waters between Australia’s Gold Coast and the Great Barrier Reef. It’s followed by a 30-minute tribute to the man who launched a million “Crikey!”s.


In Tenebris, with Andsvara, and the Opposite Sex

music With all the mesh shirts, laced corsets and school girl skirts favored by women in the local goth scene, I could have easily been distracted at Outback Lodge on January 6. But not even all that exposed flesh could take my attention away from In Tenebris, the night’s headline act. The band offers a hard-rocking show that sets a crowd in motion and leaves everyone wanting more.

Rose between thorns: Christina Fleming lets her vocals loose, and the rest of In Tenebris follows behind.

The opening acts were Andsvara, a side project of local metal chanteuse Kim Dylla (see her with This Means You), and the Opposite Sex, a D.C. band that wowed everyone by using a baritone sax in lieu of a guitar for their first song. Both bands delivered solid performances and managed to lure patrons from their spots at the bar.

But the true darling of the night was In Tenebris, hands down. Taking its name from the Latin for “in darkness,” the band showcased the soaring, operatic voice of Christina Fleming—her years of classical training evident in the way she effortlessly glided from note to note in impossibly high ranges. Metalheads, think Tarja Turunen. Everyone else, think Sarah Brightman, and you’re not far off.

Fleming and guitarist Jdavyd Williams form the group’s core, with both sharing songwriting responsibilities. Whatever they’re doing, it works. The band’s songs are contemplative without devolving into the pity party that is common to other groups in the goth scene.
Pounding drums, up-and-down bass lines and heavy guitar riffs in songs like “Chrysalis” suggest In Tenebris legitimate hard-rock know-how. Dance-friendly, electronica-influenced pieces like “Haunted” show that the group is comfortable in its own skin and able to work outside of any rigidly defined genre. This band is going places; be sure to snag a copy of their first full length album, which is slated for release in March.


The Complete Reprise Recordings

cd The country-based awe shown to Gram parsons sometimes makes us ignore the influence of R&B and blues on his writing, even though his choice of cover songs proves James Carr touched him as deeply as George Jones. Despite his lethal habits, the temporary Byrd and Flying Burrito Brother leader was smart enough to sense a convergence of the agonies of truckers and the Delta weariness of black sharecroppers—a connection so unnerving to ’60s country fans their attitude to Parsons was often hostile.

Country music’s grievous angel, remembered through tunes handpicked by country music’s best backup vocalist, Emmylou Harris.

This box set of his complete Reprise recordings comes with many alternate tracks and radio interviews, respectfully assembled by his singing partner Emmylou Harris, another country artist who knows this genre gains greater depth when it acknowledges its kinship with all the traditions of the South.


“Beyond the Frontier: The Photography of Peter Eve”

gallery Just like the United States, Australia lives with a messy history of contact between its Aboriginal people and the Europeans who arrived later. When this relationship erupts into art, if anything, more questions arise—as with Peter Eve’s photographs of the Kimberley region, paired with paintings by Aboriginal artists from that area.

Bold portraits like "Rammey Ramsey" make for a stark contrast to lush landscape shots in Peter Eve’s photography exhibit.

Eve presents two types of images here: sumptuous nature photographs, as aloof and violently colorful as anything in a Sierra Club calendar, and black-and-white portraits of Aboriginal people, shot in a hard-nosed journalistic style. The viewer veers between admiring the exotic hue of cliffs in the Carr Boyd Range (like our own red clay, but turned up a thousand notches) and intimately encountering Paddy Bedford, a white-haired man sitting in a pickup truck with a shepherd dog in the bed.

It’s certainly a finely made image. You can almost smell the sun on his skin, feel the road’s dust, breathe the smoke from his cigarette. The truck’s window makes a second frame around man and dog, increasing the sense of their being distanced from the viewer. Indeed, a social context for Bedford, and the other people in the photos, is hard to grasp. Does Eve see them as stewards of this stunning place? As victims? Artists (which many are)? Sometimes they’re shown entwined with the landscape (Peggy Patrick stands within a fallen tree branch, its shadows crossing her face); sometimes they look more like visitors (Rusty Peters sits tentatively on a rock near Black Rock Pool, wearing jeans and sport sandals, holding a pack
of cigarettes).

The dualities—between the portraits and landscapes, between Eve’s photos and the paintings that fill the rest of the museum—are troubling, if we imagine that Eve is not confronting them. The show is too small, and too thinly curated, to know for sure.


Out of the ordinary

It’s a good time to be Gomez ( The British quintet is all over America’s telly, rocking Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien, even landing a song on the hit show “Grey’s Anatomy.” In Charlottesville, they will appear in the flesh on Tuesday, January 23, at Starr Hill Music Hall.

The British band, Gomez, is growing by leaps and bounds, thanks in part to Dave Matthews and Coran Capshaw’s baby, ATO Records.

After a 10-year career and five studio albums, Gomez owe their sudden burst of airtime—and their first appearance in Charlottesville—to ATO Records, the label founded by Dave Matthews and Coran Capshaw, which signed Gomez last year.

“This is the most attention we’ve received in the United States, by a long shot,” says singer and guitarist Tom Gray.

The spotlight is trained on Gomez’s new album, How We Operate, released this past summer. Their first effort for ATO marks another evolution for a band that has defined itself by refusing to be defined.

Gomez broke out in 1998 with Bring It On, embedding melodic hooks within sprawling, experimental compositions. Bring It On earned Gomez a wreath of “next big thing” laurels, and they went to work on Hut Recordings, a subsidiary label that British media behemoth Virgin designed to tap the booming market for quirky, independent music. Gomez continued writing catchy rock spiced with studio wizardry on subsequent albums Liquid Skin (1999), In Our Gun (2002) and Split The Difference (2004).

“Gomez really came into being for the purpose of genre-busting,” says Gray. “We didn’t want to sit in one place and be ordinary. We tried to do something different every single time.”

Such an approach defies an industry that relies on labels like “alternative” or “low-fi indie-alt-polka-core” to peddle bands in ever-narrowing consumer niches. Though Gomez’s musical pastiche lured listeners of various stripes, they never became the big thing Virgin hoped for.

Hut Recordings shut down as Virgin “downsized” several years ago, and Gomez asked Virgin to release them. Soon afterward, Chris Tetzeli of Red Light Management tracked down Gomez at a New York performance and signed them to ATO in 2005.

“Getting out of [Virgin] was a huge relief,” says Gray. “These guys [at ATO] are lovely. We know who owns the company. It’s actually founded on the basis of building careers in music, rather than milking something quickly in the marketplace.”

For How We Operate, ATO hooked Gomez up with veteran producer Gil Norton, who previously worked with the Pixies and Foo Fighters. Gray says Norton helped the band build songs efficiently, instead of “just throwing stuff around” in the studio.

The band’s experimental style is still evident on How We Operate, but the effects are subtle, not sprawling. Sly oddities (like sudden bursts of silence on “Notice,” or a robotic banjo riff that kicks off the title track) come tucked into tightly constructed pop songs like blueberries in your pancakes. Songs like “See the World” are sweet but not saccharine, made for iPods.

In fact, Gomez has thrived in the digital age, where one catchy tune can spread like a virus. Single-song downloads, along with songs sold for movies and TV, now makes up one quarter to one third of the band’s income, says Gray.

Rock bands still need to hit the road, though, and Gomez is now on an extensive American tour (in a bus burning bio-diesel fuel) opening for O.A.R. and headlining with Ben Kweller. In Charlottesville, they will show why their eclectic spirit has earned them a reputation for dramatic live performances. “Expect dynamics,” says Gray. “We like to do very quiet and very loud. Hopefully when people walk away, they feel entertained because they haven’t had a chance to get bored.”