No swearing!
Your last paragraph [“Black is White,” The Odd Dominion, April 10, 2007] was a mess: What law is Webb flouting? What law is he sworn to uphold? He is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Thompson (not Senator Webb) was charged with violating a Washington, D.C. law (a law, incidentally, recently called into question by a federal court ruling). Webb is NOT sworn to uphold the laws of Washington, D.C., as your last sentence erroneously states. Your points contrasting the expected behaviors of John Warner, a maverick Republican, and Jim Webb, a maverick Democrat, were interesting. Also on a political note, no one ever lost a vote in Virginia being FOR the Second Amendment and against gun control. Webb will never have to do a Mitt Romney and join the NRA a month before running for re-election.
Mike McCaffrey
Rally for Regent
Oh, come on! There are religious fanatics who want to take over the world and yet you publish an article like this one [“Justice for Jesus.” The Odd Dominion, April 17, 2007]. Pat Robertson has never been secret about what he would like to see—in fact it is what the Bible teaches. I resent greatly the implications that graduates from Regent are “sleeper cells.” When will you run an article about Islamofanatics? They are much more dangerous.
I am really tired of Christians being seen as a threat more dangerous than others, being secretive, etc. These folks want only the best for this country. They are willing to work for it, and yet you publish an article linking them with the likes of Juice Newton and Edgar Cayce. Please!!
Oh yes, my oldest son is a 1999 grad of Regent with a degree in public policy and law. He is not out to subvert this country but to serve it in the political arena as a heartfelt response to the call of God on his life.
Jacob Eige
Raleigh, NC
Odd supporter
To Cathryn Harding and Dan Catalano: Enjoyed our phone visit as I did your article [“Clash of the titans,” The Odd Dominion, March 27].
Well written with a keen balance between the serious and humor—an essential quality for politicians and political writers. Could you find an original copy and send it?
Sen. John Warner
“Old Warhorse”
(Editor’s note: Senator Warner called C-VILLE on March 30 to express his delight with Catalano’s column, which he read online, and since then has been sent a copy of the paper.)
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