Last year USA Today reported that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb walked around training camp with a t-shirt on which he’d printed under the word “leadership”: “The problem with the people in the world today is everyone wants to be the man, but when it’s time to step up and take charge, they take two steps back. So if you ain’t ready, stop talking about it.”
![]() Playing dumb never looked so dumb: Bud Selig probably won’t be smiling when Barry Bonds beats the home run record and caps off the Steroid Era with a bang. |
Phrases like “the man,” “manning up” and “keeping it real” pervade our society. While the statements may be ironic, here are two cases where their meaning is spot on:
You made your bed, now sleep in it
Last week’s column dealt with San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds closing in on Henry Aaron’s all-time Major League record of 755 home runs. At press time, Bonds has 744 home runs. To date, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig has not yet stated publicly whether he will attend the game(s) at which Bonds likely will tie and then surpass Aaron’s mark.
Let me help you with the decision, Mr. Commissioner: Man up—you’re going!
Time to “man up” because this whole MLB disaster of Bonds even getting close to the record is due in part to the Commissioner’s Office. No, Selig did not sell the steroids, hGH, or whatever. Selig didn’t inject anything into the players’ rear ends. Rather, Selig’s lack of leadership, absence of power and ignorance allowed this scandal to grow from a few questionable years in baseball to what is now known as the “Steroid Era.”
Selig made his bed along with every other “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” general manager, manager, teammate and media member who ignored what they wanted to ignore. Barry Bonds may be the bad guy in all the headlines, but his home run chase is just the climax of the worst period in baseball. And Selig is like the scientist who watches from afar as his monster destroys the village saying, “I didn’t think it would come to this.”
It has come to this.
Now Selig needs to “man up” to his own creation.
Alcohol doesn’t kill people—people kill people
In the aftermath of the death of St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock, MLB teams are beginning to ban alcohol in the clubhouses.
This is a great public relations move—sending notice to fans that baseball doesn’t condone drinking and driving. In reality, however, the ban carries no weight.
“Let’s keep it real” by stating that a good many MLB players drink beer after games in the clubhouse. They also drink beer outside of the clubhouse in bars, restaurants and in the comfort of their own homes. They will continue to do so.
“No beer in the clubhouse” wouldn’t have saved Josh Hancock’s life. He came from a bar where he had too much to drink and slammed 70 mph into the back of a pick-up truck and died. That’s what happens when you drink and drive.
Sure, we can blame this “guy” and that “reason,” but “let’s keep it real.” Josh Hancock killed Josh Hancock. Lack of self-control killed Josh Hancock. Drinking and driving killed Josh Hancock.
Wes McElroy hosts “The Final Round” on ESPN 840am. Monday-Friday 4pm-6pm.