
Teach your children

We admit it: The word "best" right next to the word "scandal" is an admission of sorts that the media often runs on spice over substance. Who can blame those C-VILLE readers who were titillated by our reporting on the Albemarle County parents, George Robinson and Elisa Kelly, who got 27 months in the slammer for serving alcohol to teenagers?

Best Scandal: "Party parents."

We admit it: The word "best" right next to the word "scandal" is an admission of sorts that the media often runs on spice over substance. Who can blame those C-VILLE readers who were titillated by our reporting on the Albemarle County parents, George Robinson and Elisa Kelly, who got 27 months in the slammer for serving alcohol to teenagers?

But when we asked some people who voted for this story to provide a reason for their choice, Craig S. Travis’ response reminded us that "scandal" can be a synonym for "deadly serious." Here’s what he had to say:

"It was scandalous because it was secretive and I fear more widespread than we know in our ever-changing parent/children relationships. Become their friend and buddy after they turn 21 and are legally adults—’til then be a parent. Parenting is a powerful, everlasting endeavor that forever develops the youth under our supervision to do the right things or go another direction."

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