It’s time for the latest chapter in Oklahoma District Attorney Bill Peterson’s lawsuit against Charlottesville-area resident John Grisham. The Oklahoma Journal Record reports this morning that Grisham is asking an Oklahoma federal court to dismiss Peterson’s claim that the author painted an unwarranted negative portrait of him in the nonfiction best-seller, The Innocent Man. So what are Grisham’s lawyers saying about his own innocence? Two words: First Amendment. According to the Journal Record, the lawyers’ brief states: "Grisham’s book…is core political speech protected by the First Amendment and representing the highest order of public service…by bringing to light issues of public concern about the performance by government officials of their public duties." Stay tuned to see if Grisham wishes he never left the ultimate freedom-of-speech realm: fiction.
John Grisham sent his lawyers to Oklahoma to see if they could convince a federal court that the lawsuit against him completely ignores a little something called the Constitution. |
Previous "This Just In" articles from this week:
Groh won’t go; fans fuss [November 28]
Hoos congratulate Al, then keep griping
Kucinich is coming [November 27]
Presidential candidate will speak on December 7
UVA students charged with kidnapping [November 27]
Victim was held for $500,000 ransom