
Hot topic [January 11]

This year’s General Assembly is up to its neck in potential legislation on illegal immigration.

This year’s General Assembly is up to its neck in potential legislation on illegal immigration. More than 100 bills pertaining to issue have been introduced in the first two days, reports the Washington Times. “It is evidence of the fact, in the last year, the issue has become of heightened interest in the public consciousness; there is no question about that,” said Claire Gutrie Gastanaga, a lobbyist for a coalition of Hispanic organizations. She pointed out that only 53 such bills were introduced in the last session. “We are a nation of laws,” said Governor Tim Kaine. “It is our obligation to enforce those laws, and we should continually assess the consequences of illegal immigration.” Democrats in the Virginia Senate listed the issue as one of their top six legislative priorities, but some Republicans doubted that assertion. “I hope they want to take the issue seriously, and we will see this year,” said Republican Delegate Jackson H. Miller. “Last year, they were not serious about it.”

Illegal immigration will be an important issue for the General Assembly and Governor Kaine this year.

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