
Local high schooler wins NAA YouTube contest [March 7]

The Newspaper Association of America Foundation announced this week that 19 year old Danny Vigour…

The Newspaper Association of America Foundation announced this week that 19 year old Danny Vigour, a high school senior from Tandem Friends School, won the organization’s “Driving Newspapers” YouTube video contest. According to the press release, Vigour is currently working on a video yearbook for his school and plans to attend a four-year film program after he graduates.

“The video I produced stemmed from actual conversations I had with my peers about the purpose newspapers had in their lives,” he says of his winning entry. Vigour will receive an iPhone and a trip to NAA’s 2008 Capitol Conference in Washington D.C. In the release Vigour names the Washington Post as his favorite newspaper and adds that he enjoys reading the Daily Progress. Come on, Danny, show us some love!

Danny Vigour’s winning video.

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Democratic challenger has broken fundraising records

UVA punt returner tackled by the law [March 4]
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