
The defense rests [March 14]

March melancholy overtakes Hooville today, after the UVA men’s basketball team didn’t make it

When it comes to his team, UVA Head Coach Dave Leitao wonders where the great basketball tradition of defense has gone.

March melancholy overtakes Hooville today, after the UVA men’s basketball team didn’t make it past the first round of the ACC tournament for the first time since 1999. Georgia Tech won handily yesterday, 94-76. “The Cavaliers struggled with defense all season in ACC play and Thursday night’s game in Charlotte, North Carolina, with Georgia Tech provided more of the same,” TheSabre, the Cavalier fan website, lamented late last night. The Washington Post latched onto the same theme. “It’s happened for a number of reasons and a number of causes,” the Post quotes UVA Head Coach Dave Leitao as saying. “Defense, for 100 years of basketball, has been three-quarters-part mental. That has been a process we have not grabbed for most of the year.” On a different note, TheSabre and the Post made it a point to acknowledge that it was UVA’s Sean Singletary’s last ACC game. “Singletary headed toward the bench,” the Post said, “everyone in the stands, wearing all sorts of different colors, stood and cheered.”

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