UPDATE: Police say suspected gunman likely gone from University of Richmond

“Police feel the suspect has left the campus and the area,”

The latest from InRich.com on the suspected gunman:
"Police feel the suspect has left the campus and the area," said university spokesman Brian Eckert."

After a thorough search of the neighborhood and campus, Times-Dispatch reporters say, police believe the suspected gunman spotted earlier today in Boatwright Library, has left the University of Richmond area. Classes will go on as planned tomorrow.

Earlier in the day, the school locked down campus as Richmond, Henrico County and university police searched for an armed man reported to have been seen in the library, according to InRich.com. No shots had been reported fired.

"We’ve had two different reports from witnesses who said he had a firearm,’ a UR spokeswoman said. "The last time the person was reported seen was about 3:25 p.m."

Alerts went out via e-mail, text and voicemail at about 3:45pm. School officials couldn’t say how many students were left on campus, as exams ended last Friday.

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