Outside names city among 20 groovy places to live

It just gets harder and harder to come up with an excuse to leave this town. Outside Magazine’s August 2008 issue lists Charlottesville as one of the 20 best cities in the country to “enjoy outdoor living”, along with Crested Butte, CO, Oxford MI, and Washington D.C.

It just gets harder and harder to come up with an excuse to leave this town. Outside Magazine’s August 2008 issue lists Charlottesville as one of the 20 best cities in the country to “enjoy outdoor living,” along with Crested Butte, CO, Oxford MI, and Washington D.C. The city has made the Outside list before, in 2006, and along with our Number 1 ranking from Frommer’s Cities Ranked and Rated in 2004, and the recent 13 out of 20 best places to raise a family given to Albemarle County by Forbes Magazine, we’ll probably be dining out on this one for a long time to come. Although the full criteria are not enumerated in the city’s press release on the Outside recognition, it does say that the magazine chooses places that offer “the greatest opportunities for living the good life.” The article is not yet up on the magazine’s website, but they do have a blurb which states, “20 great American towns that have withstood hard times and reinvented themselves as havens of the good life. Why not make a move?” Hmmm. Withstood hard times? Are they talking about our Gang Problem?

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