Tired of evictions, Albemarle Sheriff Harding hopes letter will help

Albemarle County Sheriff J.E. “Chip” Harding announced today in a letter that the number of evictions in Albemarle County has risen 40 percent since 2006. By this time two years ago, there were 203 evictions, compared to 264 at this point last year and 285 this year. Most of those evicted are renters.

Albemarle County Sheriff J.E. "Chip" Harding announced today that the number of evictions in the county has risen 40 percent since 2006. By this time two years ago, there were 203 evictions, compared to 264 at this point last year and 285 this year. Most of those evicted are renters.

"In the Sheriff’s Office, it makes us feel terrible evicting people," says Harding. "How can we help?"

County Sheriff Chip Harding says his office will give a letter with information on emergency resources to those being evicted.

In his statement, Harding credits the current state of the economy for the leap in evictions and expects the numbers to continue to rise. "I think we’re seeing more and more evictions as the economy continues on this down swing," he says. Of the people the department ends up evicting, some are just “down on their luck" and "need somebody to give them a one time injection."

To that effect, Harding says many foreclosures and evictions could be avoided if residents are knowledgeable of the local resources, and his office will start giving residents a letter with information on those resources when it begins the eviction process.  The letter has contact information for organizations that provide short term financial assistance, such as Love, INC, MACAA CARES and the Salvation Army. Piedmont Housing Alliance has counselors specially trained in assisting with foreclosures.

But if all else fails, Harding has a clear message: "If you need help, call me." He can be reached at 972-4001.

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