U.S. News and World Report has just released its 2009 rankings of graduate and undergraduate schools in the nation, and UVA has done it again! Silver medal.
Here is the breakdown:
Best Public University: 2nd
In the 12 years since U.S. News and World Report began ranking public universities as a separate category, U.Va. has ranked either No. 1 or No. 2 trailing only UC-Berkeley.
Best Public/Private National University: 23rd
Compared to all 248 national universities, both private and public, UVA is tied at the 23rd spot with Georgetown University.
Law School: 9th
Business School: 14th
School of Medicine: 23rd
School of Education: 31st (graduate program)
School of Nursing: 19th (graduate program)

UVA president John T. Casteen III has resided over UVA’s top rankings for 18 years, since his appointment in August 1990.
On a sillier note, Charlottesville ranks at number 5 of the Top 10 tech-savvy college towns in the nation, trailing Cambridge, Seattle, Palo Alto and Pittsburgh.