C-VILLE has landed in Denver, at the center of the convention action!
Actually, right now I’m sitting in a kid’s bedroom with little glow-in-the-dark stars and planets on the ceiling, but will be making my way to more official locales soon enough. I got to see plenty of Denver (and then some) last night on the Super Shuttle ride from the airport, which I believe dropped someone off in Wyoming before arriving at my hosts’ house.

Indications that this city is about to put on a massive party are everywhere – from the airport decorations to the Hooters Restaurant sign informing Barack Obama “YOUR TABLE IS READY.” Hmm… could Hooters possibly be a tentacle of McCain’s “Hot Chicks Dig Obama” campaign, or was that just Hooters being Hooters? I’m guessing the latter.
Next stop: Journos in FunLand!