I will admit that even though my father gave my sister and me each a copy of Suze Orman’s The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke this past Christmas, reading about finance has never been something that I have taken to with relish or—on a more elementary level—comprehension. The words themselves don’t process and I don’t absorb the more general gist of the content of many articles I start then toss aside in, for example, The Wall Street Journal. Since I am a word person, I like to fault the writers of finance literature (if you can call it that) for failing me.
But, after all these years of believing I would never read anything about finance and either understand it or want to read it, I have found The Daily Bail, a website launched just a month ago that has been chronicling the bailout. Here, at long last, is a site about finance-related matters that I want to read both because it is teaching me about the bailout and because the writing is totally enjoyable and readable and accessible to the likes of me. Such appeal is no coincidence. On the site’s “About Page,” the writer addresses younger readers specifically: “A special message to young people finding us through Twitter…”
Lately, the blog has even taken a liking to old TJ, quoting him aplenty. Old Daily Bail seems to particularly enjoy the classic Jeffersonian quote: “I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies…”