Area sales drop 2.4 percent

That the economy has tanked to last decade’s lows is, well, a fact.

That the economy has tanked to last decade’s lows is, well, a fact. Yet, there are some local retailers that are just riding the wave. The Daily Progress reports that upscale baby boutique Petit Bebe is fairing better than it did this time last year.

While the Virginia Department of Taxation reports that county merchandise sales have dropped 5 percent, those of the city jumped 21 percent. Yet, together, sales for city and county dropped 2.4 percent.

And there is another facet to the problem. The SPCA will soon be unable to accommodate all the animals that need medical care.

According to NBC29, five to six animals per month are brought in, but last month, forty to fifty animals needed serious medical attention. ““Being a trauma center for the animals right now is really…it’s getting us close to putting us over the edge,” said executive director Susanne Kogut.

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