How to make driving slightly less evil

I have eased my darkened conscience a little bit by dropping out of AAA and getting into the Better World Club instead.

If there’s one environmental sin of which I am heinously guilty, it is driving. I have a long commute. I won’t try to excuse or explain it here, because the bottom line remains the same: We are burning some gas.

But I have eased my darkened conscience a little bit (only a little) by dropping out of AAA and getting into the Better World Club instead. You’ll have to overcome two things to get on board with me here, people. The first is the admittedly cheesy name of the group. Just ignore it. The second is this episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," in which Cheryl axes Larry’s AAA membership and he ends up begging strangers on the street to change his flat tire.

Cheryl is right to complain about AAA—they do a lot of lobbying for more roads and fewer bike lanes—and those of us who want to see transportation get greener should not give them our money. But there’s no reason to leave yourself (or your social-nightmare spouse) in the lurch with a flat or a blown battery or whatever. [flight attendant voice]: Who wouldn’t want to join something called the Better World Club?

I have now been a member for a year and can report total satisfaction with the roadside service. It costs $119.95 a year (comparable AAA coverage would be $165.75) and works exactly like the AAA service I had for a long time. You get flat, you call club, they send big truck to make it all better.

Just like this.

Anyone else in the BWC? Want to report satisfaction, problems, etc.?


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