Green reads for long days

Welcome to the end of a busy week, friends. Here’s what to read.

Welcome to the end of a busy week, friends. Between your Photo Fest activities and ecstatic remembrances of the David Byrne show, you may not have a lot of time on your hands. But if you do, here’s what to read.

From the Charlottesville-based blog Locallectual, a mouthwatering description of a local spring dinner, luxe-style. By now, strawberries and asparagus are pretty much done, but the larger point—eating in high style with local ingredients—remains.

My colleague Chiara Canzi’s account of how CTS will be adding hybrid trolleys to its fleet. Roll along, hybrids.

In the Post, what I thought was a weirdly disconnected story about the newly appointed kitchen for the Italian ambassador’s wife. Since she probably does some major entertaining, she may actually need "warming tops on the counters to keep plates toasty, four dishwashers and an indoor herb garden lit by LED lights," but most of us don’t. I wish the Post had glorified a different kind of kitchen instead.

…something more along these lines: a "waterpod" barge on which several New York artists hope to live in sustainable self-sufficiency. The Times reporter seems to think these people are nuts, but I say the vision and tenacity they’ve already shown, and will have to keep on showing to make this project work, are inspiring.

Speaking of inspiration, I found a bunch in this story about growing wheat at home—dude! Sounds odd, but once you read this you’ll be itching to plant your own "pancake patch." At my house, we’ve already decided to do it this winter.

And finally, a bit about how the new solar panels at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology up there in NoVa. What I love about this is that it seems the whole thing was a student-led project. Let it be known that Green Scene would officially think it was awesome if high school students did this locally.

That’s all for now. Add your own links!

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