The Roanoke Times reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds will speak in Roanoke today about his proposed economic development and job creation program, aspects of which specifically target rural and "distressed" areas.
The announcement comes in the wake of Republican criticism of Deeds’ economic and energy policies. The Times cites a statement from GOP candidate for governor Bob McDonnell’s campaign spokesman Tucker Martin: "In an election that’s about jobs, Creigh supports policies that are job killers in Virginia." The Deeds campaign website has countered with a recent Times editorial that criticizes McDonnell’s voting record regarding job creation.
The Times writes that Deeds, a Bath County resident, feels a connection to rural and underdeveloped regions because of his personal exposure to the challenges these areas face. "When we talked about rolling out our jobs plan, Creigh was adamant that should be done in Roanoke or in Southwest Virginia, and he wants people to know that he feels their pain and he’s got a plan to do something about it," said Kevin Mack, a senior adviser on Deeds’ campaign.