Gossip site cVillain officially shuts down

In a farewell note posted on the site, owners of cVillian thank all those who contributed to making the site “the most unique online animal anyone has ever seen.”

Today marks gossip site cVillain’s official end.

In a farewell note posted on the blog’s website, owners of cVillian thank all those who contributed to making the site “the most unique online animal anyone has ever seen.”

“Even though a lot of people didn’t really understand it, cVillain is the most honest view of Charlottesville you will probably ever see. Maybe you realized that, maybe you didn’t, but in the end, we accomplished our goals. We set out to create a true public forum, guided by Charlottesville muses. We did just that, plain and simple.”

Back in October, cVillain.com was put up for sale. Co-owner Kyle Redinger wrote that it is time to explore options, because “we recognize that we’ve taken it as far as we can without bringing in a professional team.”

Spicy Bear approached local companies, presumably a few old media types, with the intent to sell.  


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