Who’s the coolest woman in Charlottesville r&r?

Is it Marie from Corsair? Sarah White? Pompadour’s drummer? Join an informal readers’ poll.

At the risk of sounding highfalutin and self-important, this blogger is going to be more concerned in the coming weeks with the perennial question. Why is local rock and roll a total boys’ club?

The fact that women seem to make up about half of the concert-going audience seems to suggest that there is nothing fundamentally repulsive to women about loud noises and cramped spaces. There is an ever-increasing number of women that hold leadership positions in our arts community; for example, a woman oversees the artistic vision at the University. Many musicians are progressive and well-educated.

And yet the total dearth of women might suggest any number of things. That they’re not interested in joining or forming rock bands. That men deny women the opportunity to join their bands. That bands with women abound, and I am simply not aware of them.

So in the spirit of celebrating anomalies—and at the risk of reinforcing the gender boundary I so despise!—I turn the mic over to you in this simple exercise.

Who’s the coolest woman in Charlottesville rock?

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