The Editor's Desk

Readers respond to previous issues

 Whole endorsement


Gawd—trashy Kmart should be happy to get upscale Whole Foods within feet of them [“City to join Whole Foods suit?,” Development News, June 15]. Did they think it might possibly bring them more business? With Super Walmart coming in, they should count this as a blessing!

Kimberly Farish


Coal ain’t cool


I agree that President Obama’s decision to cancel offshore drilling leases along Virginia’s coasts was a wise decision [“Virginia’s environmentalists push for wind energy,” Government News, June 8]. Given the tragedy that is unfolding in the Gulf, I am at a loss as to how Governor Bob McDonnell can continue to support drilling off Virginia’s coasts.

Although oil exploration along Virginia’s shores has been canceled, the Hampton Roads area faces another threat from a different dirty energy source: coal. Old Dominion Electric Cooperative is proposing to build what would be the largest coal plant in Virginia only 35 miles from the Bay in the small Hampton Roads town of Dendron. The pollution created by this power plant would be devastating and would harm everyone who lives in and around the area. Governor McDonnell must look out for Virginia’s best interest by giving more thought to cleaner and reusable energy sources for our generation and the ones to come.

Ben Calhoun

Virginia Beach, Virginia



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