July ABODE is just peachy

As always, there’s plenty of green-minded content in this ABODE.

The July issue of ABODE is out today, folks, and I’ll just cut to the chase: It’s got peaches in it. Juicy, decadent, LOCAL peaches, as lovingly described by our kitchen writer Lisa Reeder.

As you read this, I may well be involved in some sort of peach activity, which tends to envelop me this time of year. You’ve got your peach buying, your peach jam making, your peach cobbler baking, and of course your plain old peach eating. It’s heaven on earth.

As always, there’s plenty of green-minded content in this ABODE: an explanation of the Zeer pot (a zero-energy way to chill comestibles), a chicken house custom-built by none other than the star local painter Edward Thomas, and a rundown of green flooring options by Better World Betty. Pick up a copy, enjoy, and let us know what you think.

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