Welcome to Flea Circus Farm!

Our home is a tiny 1940s fixer-upper in Belmont with a big backyard (by city standards). And speaking of standards, we try to hold ourselves to being conscientious about our lifestyle choices: recognizing the impact and consequences for our consumption and behavior.
Over the last few years we have been hungrily ripping out quack grass and amending the red clay that makes up our yard. As the compost and manure have spread their magic in the earth and new trees and plants have replaced the spiky rhizomes, I have been amazed by the diversity of life that now exists in our backyard! Birds have nested and returned and nested again, honeybees abound, and the earthworms seem to thank us with their sheer number.

All in all, whether naming the backyard chickens or knowing the names of my neighbors’ children, whether soothing a cold with elderberry syrup from home-grown berries to having our family doctor make a house call, whether visiting the farm or getting my hands dirty in the garden–it’s all about the relationships.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share some of my latest “green” projects and ideas as well as hear from you, dear reader, about your eco-adventures. My hope from this little platform is to start a conversation and maybe get you asking some questions of your own.
What is your latest project?