Attack of the local artisans!

The rush to buy stuff soon begins; make it local art

The holiday shopping season used to begin the day after Thanksgiving, which was made for an overwhelming but ultimately manageable four weeks of shopping—no eating, sleeping or working, just shopping. The drumroll fades in earlier each year, so before it gets too loud this year I thought I’d point out all the ways in which local artists are coming together for a host of local art fairs that run through Thanksgiving weekend as a simple reminder that, for many artists, without commerce there can be no art.

  • The big art and craft related event this holiday season is the volunteer run Great Gifts: A Holiday Shop, which runs through January at The Bridge/PAI. Included will be a collection of art and artifacts from more an expertly-curated list of 30 regional artists and craftspeople. Go there for all of your t-shirt, music, local jewelry and—brace yourselves—miniature terrarium needs.
  • Charlottesville City Market transforms into turns into the Holiday Market, where you’ll be able to buy all manner of local goods that, for once, we don’t recommend you eat.

Any art sales this holiday season that I missed?

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