Wednesday 7pm, Cartoon Network
Comic-book adaptations: They’re not just for the big screen anymore. “Hulk” and “Cloak & Dagger” are currently being developed for series, “The Walking Dead” is bringing in boffo viewership for AMC, and big ratings suggest “Smallville”’s current “final” season might not be so final after all. A very minor comic success, Image Comics’ “Firebreather” gets its own made-for-TV computer-animated movie this week. The story tells the tale of an awkward teen who discovers that while his mom is a human, his dad is a gigantic dragon lord, and pops wants him to follow in the family business. The graphics look amazing, and I have a feeling this is a story that will work much better in motion than it ever did as a graphic novel.
“Beyoncé: I Am…
World Tour”
Thursday 9:30pm, ABC
I plan to spend Thanksgiving night getting tipsy on cosmos and giggling through a late showing of the sure-to-be-terrible new Cher/ Christina Aguilera musical, Burlesque. But if I get really wasted and can’t drive, I have an at-home diva back-up in my good friend Beyoncé, whose recent world tour was filmed to air as penance for all the guys who made their wives/girlfriends sit through football all of Turkey Day. I can remember when Bey was a wee babe singing in Destiny’s Child. Even in the mid-’90s, decked out in terrible neon leather outfits and singing about bugaboos, you could tell she was going to have success doing the solo thing. But who among us could have predicted Sasha Fierce? This special features a mix of concert footage and behind-the-scenes looks at Mrs. Jay-Z’s personal life.
“Holiday Battle on the Block”
Sunday 8pm, HGTV
I just moved into a tiny, tiny apartment so small that for the first time in, well, ever I will not be able to have a Christmas tree. I’m kind of distraught about it. When I was a kid our family went all out with holiday decorating; we knew we’d done a good job if grandpa said the outdoor display looked like a whorehouse (apparently he patronized very festive brothels). I’ve decided to live vicariously through the tackiness of others, so I’m excited about this series in which families living on the same block in four different towns were given $5,000 and tasked with giving Clark Griswold a run for his money. Grandpa would approve.