Folks, the new issue of ABODE is out today and it’s full of good stuff. There are at least two great ideas for making hip-looking furniture out of repurposed items, for starters. Ed Warwick, our D.I.Y. columnist, and Christy Baker, erstwhile Green Scene blogger and Kids page reporter, have the deets. (Lord, I wish I had some of their design talent!)
There’s also some good news about our longtime friend Better World Betty, who’s up to more of her creative eco-exploits, along with her suggestions for green books to fan attractively on your coffee table. In the Green Scene pages you’ll also find news on the LEAP program, namely a program that will score local houses on their energy use, the way cars get a miles-per-gallon rating. Why didn’t someone think of this sooner?
And check out our cover story too, not only for the fab design and construction that makes the Albemarle home look amazing, but for the passive and active solar characteristics that make it work really well, to boot. One of my favorite details from this story: The owners, Chris and Kara Burke, had to wear sunglasses in their living room when they first moved in, because the passive solar was working so well. (They’ve since installed curtains and are going sans shades, at least indoors.)
Read, enjoy, and be in touch!