Too much going on this weekend!

We dare you to try to squeeze everything in tonight: CLAW, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Corsair, Eternal Summers an epic battle and more

There’s tons going on this weekend! Here is a sample itinerary for tonight:

Check out UVA’s Battle of the Bands at 8pm, then hightail it over to Blue Moon to see the latest installment of CLAW, Ye Olde CLAWe, which also starts at 8pm. On your way, swing by the Jefferson Theater to catch the Carolina Chocolate Drops, a group that won a Grammy this year for their Genuine Negro Jig. When you’re done there, go to the Tea Bazaar to catch the great Roanoke pop duo Eternal Summers, and finish in time to the the recently resurrected D.I.Y. space DUST to catch the Corsair EP release show. At which point, you’ll be broke and tired.

Tomorrow night’s highlights?

  • Crack pop squad the Sometime Favorites releases a new EP…and then breaks up. See all the drama at The Southern.
  • John D’earth premieres a new piece at Old Cabell Hall tomorrow called Green Chemistry, a work in five pieces about the plusses and minuses of scientific progress and is dedicated to Silent Spring author Rachel Carson.
  • Play On! Theatre hosts Bridget McManus in the latest of a series that’s bringing nationally recognized standup comics to Charlottesville.

For more, check out this weekend’s calendar listings.

What else is going on this weekend?

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