Charlottesville buys 3.3 acres of new parkland from Region 10

Added to the roughly 18 acres donated to the city by the owners of Seminole Square Shopping Center, the property now forms more than 20 contiguous acres of parkland

With $20,000 from its trails development fund, the City of Charlottesville recently bought 3.3 acres of land from the Region 10 Community Services Board. The land is located near Michie Drive and runs along Meadow Creek.

Added to the roughly 18 acres donated to the city by the owners of Seminole Square Shopping Center, the property now forms more than 20 contiguous acres of parkland. A press release from the city says the land will be managed "as natural area, much like Greenbrier Park, and will work to improve access to the land and Meadow Creek with trails."


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