Check out Sarah White’s new video for “I.L.Y.”

Red Rattles and Six Day Bender’s Luke Nutting stars in a new video from our leading local songstress

Sarah White has been playing this charming new track, "I.L.Y." in concert for some time. A funny new video stars Red Rattles/Six Day Bender’s Luke Nutting as a handsome young dog owner, and ostensibly the object of White’s affection. White’s pursuit takes a dark turn—let’s just say it’s related to the dog, White’s bassist Michael Bishop and the Landmark Hotel. "ILY is a pretty simple love song, for a dog," White wrote in an e-mail. "It’s a real hit at weddings, etc."

White joins Old Calf, DBB Plays Cups and more at the Tea Bazaar on Monday, July 25.


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