Third Annual Design House 2012 Fundraiser

For over 32 years, the Shelter for Help in Emergency has provided free, confidential services to victims of domestic violence and their families in Charlottesville and the surrounding community. Design House is the Shelter’s signature fundraising event to sustain those services and programs while educating the community about its work. With Design House, the Shelter for Help in Emergency hopes to offer a tangible reminder of the home we would wish for each person in our community: a haven of love and laughter, free from fear and violence. No matter how different the structures of our dwellings may be, surely they can all share that quality at heart, because peace on earth begins at home.
Each year, a Charlottesville-area homeowner generously extends the use of his or her residence for the Design House event. Designers and their vendors assigned to individual rooms and spaces showcase their talents and the latest in interior design styles and techniques. The result is a unique tour for visitors, where each room reflects a designer’s creative vision and provides endless and inspiring ideas for the home.
This year’s home promises the ideal venue for such an undertaking. Nestled on a quiet lane, this visionary residence showcases quality and timeless design with a blend of fine materials and impeccable details. All will be further enhanced by the generous contributions of designers and other participants. Design House 2012 will be open to the public May 5-20. Tickets will go on sale in April. Visit
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