Big doings around here, my friends–we’re adding goats to our homestead!
Oh, boy is it exciting. We’ve been wanting to get some goats for a while, for the purpose of clearing out the tangled woods behind our garden. Having hosted some borrowed goats back in 2008, we know that they do a fabulous job of removing brush, all while fertilizing the ground and causing zero pollution. All in all, it’s a gentle and green way to clear the land.
This is the year. We asked our friend the goat farmer if we could buy a couple of animals from him, and he offered us two female goats–who are both pregnant! So, as of sometime in April, we’ll have a herd of four to six. We’re psyched to witness the births, have the kids around, and watch all of them munch their way through our forest of privet, ailanthus and wild grapevine.
Mr. Green Scene has been busy setting up two new lengths of moveable electric fence, enclosing an area just behind our yard. They’ll be able to run off the same solar panel that already powers our chicken fence. (The fence is a little saggy because the corner posts aren’t installed yet.)
The plan is for the goats to arrive this weekend. Maa-a-a-a-a!