Wednesday, May 10, 8pm (Photo by John Robinson) |
As things come to a close for graduating fourth years, we asked our news intern, Tyler DeBoard, to keep a diary of his last week of exams. Here’s how it went.
Sunday, April 29:
3:45pm: I resist the urge to browse Netflix and instead spend my time in Club Clem (Clemons Library) working on two 20-page final papers. Students carry their pillows around and have food delivered to the library. The tension is tangible.
Monday, April 30:
1pm: Today is the official last day of my internship at C-VILLE. My final semester is quickly drawing to a close.
1am: After 10 days of constant multitasking, I have written 82 pages of reading responses and final papers.
Tuesday, May 1:
9am: Today is my last day of classes. My final tests aren’t until Friday and Saturday, but I have every intention of getting a good amount of studying done this evening.
11:30pm: Zero work done today. A nap and a few T.V. marathons keep me busy.
Wednesday, May 2:
Noon: I have an interview with the VCU BrandCenter in Richmond. Visiting a graduate program makes it impossible to focus on finishing undergraduate studies, but I resolve to lock myself in the library tonight to do work.
11pm: Met with my group of friends at The Backyard for one last gathering before finals. Tomorrow is the day that I absolutely need to get all of my studying done.
Thursday, May 3:
11pm: In an uncharacteristically strong study day, I spend five hours in the library and then two hours in a study group. I feel prepared for the test tomorrow, so I spend the remainder of my evening loading clothes and boxes into my car.
Friday, May 4:
Noon: The first of my two finals go well. When I walk out of the classroom, I notice that the graduation ramps and stairs are already set up on the Lawn—two weeks early.
4pm: Despite my test tomorrow, I reward myself with a screening of The Avengers. My final is in film class, so I consider it outside research. My parents would disagree.
Saturday, May 5:
Noon: I just finished my last final! I hold my pen in writing position for a few moments longer just to savor the moment. I turn in my final papers and I leave tomorrow for Atlanta to visit more graduate programs.
On my way home, I see a fellow Wahoo walk out of an exam and yell, “I did it!” I echo her enthusiasm but lack her boldness. So long, UVA!
Despite some evidence to the contrary, Tyler will graduate with the rest of his class on Sunday.
THE HOUSE THAT WADE BUILT Some things stand the test of time. In Charlottesville, one such place is the Raleigh Court Apartments at 10 University Ave. Built in 1926 and managed by Wade Apartments, the building features 18 one-, two-, and four-bedroom units. And while those units are mainly occupied by students these days, once upon a time they were meant for widows. When C.M. Wade moved to Charlottesville from North Carolina in the early 1920s, he noticed a lack of upscale apartments—beautiful, unique units with high ceilings and fireplaces—for women whose husbands had passed away. He partnered with local builder Grover Failes and, in 1926, completed Raleigh Court and the Rugby Avenue apartments. When that partnership eventually dissolved, Failes took the Rugby Avenue units and Wade took Raleigh Court, which is now managed by Wade Apartments (and run by C.M.’s grandson, Wade Tremblay). (Photo by Carissa Dezort) |