
Roanoke rockers Eternal Summers return to the Tea Bazaar

The Roanoke-based band Eternal Summers haven’t been around long, but they’ve been busy, releasing two EPs, two full-length albums, and a handful of singles and compilation appearances in just over two years. Nicole Yun’s catchy, somber punk anthems are a perfect match for Daniel Cundiff’s exuberant, energetic drumming, and they’ve built a passionate fanbase both in Virginia and around the country.

The recent Dawn of Eternal Summers collection is a fine summary of their earliest material to catch up the uninitiated, but the band itself is looking forward, subtly shifting their sound with each new release. Jonathan Woods (who’s also Cundiff’s bandmate in Roanake-based Byrds-soundalikes the Young Sinclairs) has joined them on bass, and their new record Correct Behavior finds them polishing up their sound, moving from the sharp, angular riffs of their earlier material into territory that has more in common with early New Wave, with a dash of Shoegazer dreaminess.

Eternal Summers will appear at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar on Thursday, September 27th, along with the similarly-excellent Philadelphia-based group Bleeding Rainbow and local indie-rockers Left & Right. The cover charge is $9 and the concert begins at 8:00pm.

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