Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings, too.
- The Charlottesville Planning Commission meets from 5:30 to 9:30pm at City Hall, and plans to hear a report on the 5-year, $62 million-plus Capital Improvement Plan. They’ll also hear a request from a Fifeville couple who want to establish a residential lot smaller than the allowable size and hold a preliminary discussion on the planned Elliot Avenue development.
- The Albemarle County Planning Commission meets the same night, from 6 to 9pm, at the County Office Building. The agenda holds an interesting item: A vote on an adjustment to the language defining by-right and permitted industrial land uses. Some of it’s just verbal shuffling—eliminating the term “medical center” and folding that use in with the “hospital” classification—but there will also be a couple of new by-right classifications, including “Laboratories/Research and Development/Experimental Testing” (now allowed up to 4,000 square feet without a special use permit in both the Commercial and Commercial Office districts) and “Manufacturing/Processing/Assembly/Fabrication and Recycling” (no SUP needed in the Commercial district).
- The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meets from 6 to 9pm Wednesday. The agenda includes hearings on a proposal to expand the Four Seasons Learning Center and a proffer amendment on the Estes Park development. They’ll also discuss eliminating the Commission on Children and Families, a joint city-county agency that staff says is no longer necessary, because its work coordinating the area’s children and family agencies is being handled by other local entities. County staff suggest shifting the sole employee of the CCF to the city’s payroll. Ending its support of the agency would save the county $7,836.50 next year, according to a staff report.
- The county Board of Supervisors gathers again, this time with the Albemarle County School Board, from 4 to 6pm Thursday for a capital budget review. That agenda is not yet posted.
- The PLACE Design Task Force meets from noon to 3pm Thursday in the Neighborhood Development Services conference room, when it will review Belmont Bridge proposals and offer input on a couple of pending RFPs, including one for streetscape design along West Main Street and another for McIntire Park design.