Together 10 years
Cesar and Michael joke around a lot (“Still waiting…,” Michael answered when asked when he knew Cesar was “the one”), but there’s no question theirs is a house filled with love. Together “merely a decade” (as they put it), the couple met (“Stereotypically,” they say) at a bar and thrive on mutual support, cold dry martinis, and, of course, a sense of humor. Take, for instance, the recollection of their most embarrassing relationship moment: “Cesar sang karaoke (Lady Gaga) at a milestone birthday party for a noted realtor in town. It made YouTube. And not in a good way.” Like their love, that’s one for the books.
Ages: Michael was born in the early ’60s; Cesar was born in the mid-’70s. (“Gotta have some secrets!”)
Occupations: Cesar is a UVA hospital/nutrition services employee; Michael is a UVA/HR professional and a church organist.
How did you meet? Stereotypically, at a bar.
What’s your song? “Bosom Buddies” (the Angela Lansbury/Bea Arthur duet from Mame)
What do you like to do together? Drink, eat, travel, shop.
What’s been your biggest relationship challenge so far? Having one T.V. in the house. And one bathroom.
What’s the strangest thing you have in common? We both like Broadway shows and raw oysters on the half shell with lemon only (is that strange enough?).
What was your first date? We had dinner at an outdoor restaurant on 17th Street in Washington, D.C. It was August and very steamy (the weather, that is—hot and humid).
What’s your best memory together? Gawd…so many. We loved strolling the streets of San Miguel de Allende on New Year’s Eve 2011; the city was electric with excitement and the central square was still (over-)decorated for Christmas. We went to a party on a hill overlooking the town and there was a private fireworks show. It was truly magical.
What’s something you like to do, but your partner doesn’t? Cesar: Sing karaoke, play Guitar Hero, and try to sing really high-pitch; Michael: Pretend to conduct a big choir or symphony around the house. He thinks I look
foolish when I wave my hands around…even though I do it for my church job all the time.
What’s something you admire in your partner? Cesar: His support towards my crazy ideas (i.e. do-it-yourself fixing things around the house); Michael: That he’s bilingual and much nicer than I am.
What’s a habit of his you could do without? Cesar: Phew! Where do I begin? When he tries to speak Spanish!; Michael: My, oh my…how many column inches do we have? Muttering in Spanish, à la Ricky Ricardo.
What’s a simple thing your partner does for you that means so much? Cesar: Makes me go to the gym and take vitamins; Michael: He obsesses and compulses about packing for trips, wearing seat belts, anything related to pre-planning and safety…and he squeezes my hand every time the plane takes off and lands.

Together 3 years
What’s the strangest thing Kelli and James have in common? “We’re both black nerds,” Kelli said. The two, who met through a mutual friend, are avid Scrabble players. In fact, it’s one of their favorite things to do together. Kelli wins most of the time because English is James’ second language. “But he is getting closer to the Scrabble title every day,” she said.
Ages: Kelli is 36; James is 37
Occupations: Kelli is a global event manager; James is a commercial underwriter
Married: May 14, 2011
How did you meet? We were set up.
Do you have any children? James has a daughter, Kalani, who lives with us full-time.
What do you like to do together? Everything (go to the movies, watch the History channel, travel, and do yoga).
What’s your morning routine? James makes Kelli breakfast in bed. Kelli gets out of bed at the last possible moment. James makes sure Kalani is prepared for school. Kelli runs out of the door like she is on fire (usually running to be on time).
Who does the cooking? The cleaning? James does most of the cooking and Kelli does most of the cleaning. Kalani helps.
What’s the strangest thing you have in common? We are both black nerds.
Recount your first date: We met out at the Charlottesville Sports and Social Club Christmas Pub Crawl. It was that awful winter of lots of snow so the crawl took place in January. James and his brother were waiting in Mellow Mushroom when Kelli walked in. That was the beginning of a wonderful evening… It ended in the early hours of the morning with cookies and cream ice cream in celebration of James’ recent birthday.
What’s your best memory together? There have been and will be so many: our first Valentine’s Day dinner, our wedding celebration, visiting Panama together, a summer trip to Paris.
What do you dream about doing together? Expanding our family and eventually retiring to James’ childhood home in Panama.
What’s something you like to do, but your partner doesn’t? Kelli: Shopping; James: Play video games
When did you get the “this is the one” feeling? Kelli: During one of our early relationship marathon phone conversations; James: The moment we met.
What’s something you admire in your partner? Kelli: James is loyal to his family and he is hot; James: Kelli is strong.
What’s a habit of your partner’s you could do without? Kelli: James is messy; James: Kelli bites her fingernails.
What’s a simple thing your partner does for you that means so much? Kelli: Breakfast and listening to me; James: Paying the bills and folding the clothes.