
Feel the love: 10 couples we can’t get enough of

Photo courtesy of The Paramount Theater.

Together 56 years

Almost a year before they were married, Helen and Tommy Saul had their first date at The Paramount Theater on the Downtown Mall. Now, 56 years later, you can still find them right where they started—volunteering as ushers at the door of the theater. It was on that date that Helen said she got the feeling that Tommy was the one for her.

Occupations: Retired
Married: November 17, 1956
How did you meet? Through Helen’s dad. My dad took cream to the dairy and knew him. He kept talking about what a nice guy he was. He finally called me for a date, which I turned down because I had another one. He said, how about the next night? Of course I was delighted and said yes.
What’s your song? “Somewhere My Love”
What do you like to do together? Travel and volunteer at the Paramount.
Who does the cooking? The cleaning? Helen. Tommy eats everything, We eat a lot of fresh vegetables. We have a small garden in the summer, and enjoy the veggies out of it. I will say he loves broccoli and salmon.
What was your first date? At The Paramount Theater on November 5, 1955.
What’s your best memory together? We enjoy being together and the cruises we go on. Our last cruise was Panama Canal, we are doing Bermuda again this year in June. We got in a hurricane when we were there before, and didn’t get to see much so we hope everything will be O.K. this time. We would love to go to Hawaii; we have gone to all the states except it. We loved Alaska, and would love to do a cruise there.
What was your most embarrassing relationship moment? Answering the “newlywed question” at a church function.
Who would win in a game of Scrabble? Poker? Helen.
What’s a habit of your partner’s you could do without? Helen: He needs to slow down; Tommy: She stays up too late.

Photo: John Robinson.

Together 3 years

Carol and Max may have only officially been together for three years, but they’ve known each other for most of their lives. “I’ve had a crush on Max since I was 12,” Carol said. “He was always the cute guy my brother was friends with.” It took a little longer for Max—29 years to be exact—to track her down through Facebook and ask her out. It’s something they can laugh about now, along with pretty much everything else. Says Carol, “We give each other the giggles daily.”

Ages: Carol is 44; Max is 51
Occupations: Carol is a jeweler; Max is an Engineering Technician
Married: April 25, 2010
How they met: Max is a friend of Carol’s brother’s and their first meeting was her crashing one of her brother’s basement parties. Twenty-nine years later, Max asked Carol out (through Facebook).
Do you have children? A daughter, Flora. Max has two sons as well.
What’s your song? “Turn On Tune In Drop Out” by Cracker
What’s been your biggest relationship challenge so far? Having a toddler.
Who does the cooking? The cleaning? Mostly Carol, though Max can whip up an amazing batch of beans and he does all the canning from the garden, as well as brews beer and makes yummy cysers.
What’s the strangest thing you have in common? We both dislike stuffed grape leaves and would prefer to watch a movie at home rather than in a theater.
What was your first date? We met at MAS and had dinner outside as the sun set on a beautiful spring day. Then Carol suggested going to the carnival. It was just closing down for the night but we talked the ferris wheel guy into taking us for a ride. We laughed the whole time. Afterwards we met some of Carol’s girlfriends for drinks at Bel Rio. They all gave her the “nod”!
What’s your best memory together? Watching Fourth of July fireworks, our wedding day, the birth of our daughter…
Who would win in a game of Scrabble? Poker? Max for sure, though we’ve never played a board or card game together.
What do you dream about doing together? Retiring and driving around the country in a big ol’ R.V. and maybe having a proper farm one day, complete with chickens and fruit trees. We also would like to finish “the garage-mahal” so we can both have art studios.
What’s something you like to do, but your partner doesn’t? Carol: I like to thrift store/consignment/flea market shop and Max would rather be at home in the garden; Max: Camping in a tent.
What’s a habit of your partner’s you could do without? Carol: He points out literal meanings in what I/others say even when he knows something is implied or slang. I love it and am annoyed simultaneously; Max: Can’t think of one…

By Caite Hamilton

Caite has been at C-VILLE since 2007, when she started as a part-time proofreader. Over the last 16 years, she's held the positions of Online Editor and Special Sections Editor. Currently the Magazine Editor of C-VILLE, Caite oversees content in special issues and special publications (ABODE, Knife & Fork, C-VILLE Weddings, and Best of C-VILLE).

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