
ARTS Pick: God’s Ear

The best new plays are always hard to categorize, and Jenny Schwartz’s God’s Ear is no exception. Staged by UVA’s drama department, it is a powerful and intentionally disjointed examination of deep loss and finding ways to cope.

Poetry emotion

The best new plays are always hard to categorize, and Jenny Schwartz’s God’s Ear is no exception. Staged by UVA’s drama department, it is a powerful and intentionally disjointed examination of deep loss and finding ways to cope. Beneath the plot is a mosaic of language, bursting with fractured thoughts that tether the characters to a fleeting reality rife with playfully mournful fantasies of GI Joe as the family therapist and the Tooth Fairy as a singing confidant.

Through 3/2 $8-14, 8pm. Helms Theater, 109 Culbreth Rd., UVA. 924-3376.

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