Each week, C-VILLE’s Green Scene page takes a look at local environmental news. The section’s bulletin board has information on local green events and keeps you up to date on statewide happenings. Got an event or a tip you’d like to see here and in the paper? Write us at news@c-ville.com.
Lit lecture: Head t0 the Ivy Creek Natural Area’s Education Building at 1pm Thursday, March 21 for a lecture from author and Dickinson College English professor Ashton Nichols, who will offer a talk on his most recent work, Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Roosting. The book chronicles shifting views about nature in 20th and 21st century thought, and is on a special environmental panel at the 2013 Festival of the Book.
Testing the waters: The Rivanna Conservation Society (RCS) will hold a noon talk on bacteria monitoring in the Rivanna River on Thursday, March 21 at the Jefferson Madison Regional Library on East Market Street. Rose Brown of StreamWatch, Leslie Middleton of the Rivanna River Basin Commission, and Robbi Savage of RCS will speak.
Deer under threat: The National Park Service is gathering public input as it develops a plan to manage the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer populations in Shenandoah National Park. The prion disease—similar to Mad Cow, but known to appear only in deer—hasn’t been found in the park yet, but has been observed in Franklin County south of Roanoke. Learn more and add your voice at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/shen.