Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings in the comments section.
- The Rivanna River Basin Commission meets from noon to 2pm today in room 241 at the Albemarle County Office Building on McIntire Road. Up for discussion: a white paper on the future of the Rivanna River Corridor, cooperation with StreamWatch, planning for the coming fiscal year, and more.
- The Charlottesville Planning Commission meets from 5:30 to 10pm Tuesday, April 9 in Council chambers at City Hall, and will be joined by City Council members. The agenda includes public hearings on two important items: the comprehensive plan, and an ordinance to adjust the formula used to calculate contributions to the city’s affordable housing fund.
- The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meets from 4 to 9pm Wednesday, April 10 in Lane Auditorium at the County Office Building on McIntire Road. Up for discussion at 4pm are the county’s RFP for solid waste services and the controversial police firing range proposed at the site of the old Keene landfill.
- The city’s PLACE Design Task Force, a planning advisory body, meets at noon on Thursday, April 11 in room 207 at the Jefferson City Center.
- A heads up: City offices will be closed Friday, April 12 in observance of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. The Tom Tom Founder’s Festival, marking TJ’s birthday weekend with a host of events, will be in full swing.