Senator Creigh Deeds popped in to the Jefferson School City Center to read to the young people at the YMCA child care center on Thursday April 18. Deeds acknowledged “The Week of the Young Child” by reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to the preschoolers.
“He actively engaged the children in an instructional way,” said Ikeia Prince, Director of Child Care Services. “He was asking them questions about colors and they were answering correctly. And the children were extremely witty!” After Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, the children asked for another book and he read more.
“The Week of the Young Child” is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The purpose of “The Week of the Young Child” is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. However, Deeds arrived with no publicity or camera crew in tow and genuinely appeared to enjoy spending time with the children.
The YMCA childcare program at the Jefferson School City Center is a licensed child care center for infants and toddlers through Pre-Kindergarten. Enrollment has grown to 55 children, and the center can serve 69. Almost half the children who attend receive some form of scholarship.
Teaching peace in a violent world

Knowing that ignoring violence will not make it go away, John Hunter seeks to teach peace in our often-violent world. On Monday, April 22, 5:30 pm, John Hunter will present “World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements” at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. Hunter created the world peace game where fifty world problems are on a 4’ x 5’ plywood board and 4th graders are tasked with solving them without war. The goal is to develop critical thinking skills and compassion. “We find the students want compassion and to decrease suffering,” he said. “There’s a natural inclination to help each other.” Hunter recently released a book by the same title. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Walk it out
Weekly walking groups sponsored by The Women’s Initiative help women relieve stress and gain energy. Walking groups follow routes from the Jefferson School City Center and go through surrounding neighborhoods. Groups meet at noon and 6 pm on Mondays, and are open to all. For more information, contact Eboni Bugg, LCSW at 434-202-7692 or
Looking for artists
Vinegar Hill Cafe is featuring the photography of Adam Mohr. Stop by and see his photographs of Charlottesville and other interesting places. Artists interested in displaying your work at the Vinegar Hill Café should send an email to
Info-Tainer Mr. Alex-Zan will present “Take a Break… to be Around for the Breakthrough” especially for women at a Pre-Mothers’ Day event on Saturday, May 11. Sponsored by Martha Jefferson’s Starr Hill Health Center at the Jefferson School City Center, the event will be held at Carver Recreation Center between 1:30 and 5 pm. Mr. Alex-Zan is an entertainer and educator who facilitates creative and interactive presentations for a variety of audiences. A native of Charlottesville, he was one of twelve blacks to first desegregate Virginia public schools in 1958.
The event will also feature guest vocalist Barbara Edwards and the Dynamic Mime Duo. The afternoon will include information on wellness assessments, stroke awareness training, massages, Zumba, stress reduction, cooking demonstrations, and a tour of the African American Heritage Center.
Jefferson School City Center is a voice of the nine nonprofits located at Charlottesville’s intergenerational community center, the restored Jefferson School. We are a legacy preserved . . . a soul reborn . . . in the heart of Cville!